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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. I recommend stuff that is on sale on Best Service right now and either a) exclusive to BS or b) usually blocked from further discounts on other stores e.g. - Cinesamples (Piano in Blue, Forbes Organ... almost everything is excellent) - Have Audio (Nordisk Cello and Nordic Kontrabass, can't really recommend anything else) - MNTRA Instruments - Output - Soniccouture (Broken Wurli, All Saints Organ, anything really) Possibly others but this is stuff I bought or is on my wishlist.
  2. Every year I tell myself "maybe next year". The problem is all the spending that comes before it during BF and Christmas, and also already owning a million synths including Falcon and Phase Plant.
  3. Been waiting for these. $20 for orders >$100 $40 for orders >$200 https://www.bestservice.com/en/deals/happy_new_year_2024_promo_code_5623.html F-ckers changed it to 100 and 200 though.
  4. Now for $83 again with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/reveal-sound-spire
  5. Apparently they sent out a survey a while ago that takes half of the upgrade price, but I never even got that email. I'd stick to VSX, but I actually love Realphones for system wide EQ correction of several of my headphones.
  6. Seems like a slight pricing error on Alpha Organ. Is $28ish but should be $41ish. edit: it seems like EveryPlugin still has the old version listed which was $69 and Kontakt Full. The new one is $99 and Kontakt Player and this is what the serial is for. So yeah, bit of a glitch. edit: Koby fixed it ?
  7. The "Install Now" checkbox has been available for ages. Is that not what you want?
  8. Doesn’t seem to work on the total bundle.
  9. No, the best you can do is adding a $14.50 Massive expansion und using the voucher bringing the total to $64.
  10. This is a demo of what it can do, for better or worse. I'll get some amazing sounds out of this to layer under bass, guitars or horns. Making sampled stuff sound more alive.
  11. I have of course yet to actually use it, but I imagine it's more for sound design. You record yourself playing around and sample and mangle. That kind of stuff.
  12. One of the easiest yesses ever. Best soft clipper on the market.
  13. This is the best colour compressor on the market IMO and this price is great. I cannot believe there's people not liking it or even people calling it thin sounding. It's utter magic every time I use it.
  14. So this randomising synth was in Andrew Huang's top list of 2023: https://vst.beatsurfing.com/music-production-tools/random/ It seemed interesting, but I initially shelved it to buy at a later point because I'm drowning in synths. Then I realised they had a "make your own bundle" option where you buy 3 of their plugins and get 40% on top of the sale prices: https://vst.beatsurfing.com/music-production-tools/make-your-own-audio-plugin-bundle/ So they got me. I picked Random, 7 Deadly Snares and Lunch Table, which all seem like cool plugins. Can't wait to never use them. Happy new year.
  15. They're marketing this as a channel strip but it uses way too much CPU to use it as such - even in Reaper.
  16. I've done some noodling now. It's a nice library that complements Broken Wurli quite well for a slightly different flavour. However, it's not quite at the same level. Broken Wurli feels organic to the point of me getting teary-eyed while playing it (I love few things more than the Wurli sound). The Skybox 145B is "just" a good, possibly even great sample library. But everything Soniccouture is next level. Going back and forth between the two is like playing the real thing vs. playing a... well, sample library. Judging by the demos on the Skybox website, the same thing seems to be true for the 200A and Suitcase as well, so I'll pass on getting more Skybox products.
  17. It's randomly back at this price now even though at Softube it's $69 right now. Not missing it this time.
  18. https://solidstatelogic.com/products/3-for-2-plug-ins
  19. It's Kontakt Player, actually. Installed!
  20. F-ing taxes. Funny how $70 made me go OMG I NEED THIS and at $83 I'm like never mind. Something about $80 being close to $100 and $70 being close to $50. How easily my dumb little brain is tricked.
  21. Oh boy, that thing sounds amazing. I think I have to get it. edit: the only thing holding me back is it apparently being a plugin instead of a Kontakt library? For some odd reason? How often do they update? edit #2: never mind, it says Kontakt under... system requirements, for some reason
  22. But why though... Oh well. Glad you're happy.
  23. No idea. Some french guy said it was cool.
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