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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. The Oven by a mile. It’s the only one of these that works as a go-to, both in terms of quality and available flavours.
  2. Today I learned SmartEQ is an actual EQ. I double clicked on the graph and a freely movable EQ point appeared and I was like WTF!!! For YEARS of owning it now, I thought it could only do the smart stuff with minimal control over the settings. Wait it can do dynamic EQ as well??? W T F. Know your tools.
  3. It helps that literally everyone with working ears will realise this library is a joke after like 3 seconds of listening to it.
  4. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/neold_u2a.html Record low with the code
  5. You're supposed to make sound with these, not look at pretty pictures.
  6. What a strange post. smartEQ is something entirely different. If you're talking about the unmasking feature, Claro only shows it visually instead of doing it for you. In that regard, it’s like the feature in ProQ on steroids and the very best thing about it is you can see and change (!) any track's settings from every other instances. And this steep discount is clearly yet another sign it’s a failed product that they pretty much abandoned. I'm still pissed I got it for the $79 intro price and they had it at $35 like 6 months later…
  7. Agreed. Studio One is closer to Cubase. And even closer to Pro Tools.
  8. W T F. Going from Cubase to Ableton is like going from Porsche to Bobby Car. What’s there to hate about Cubase? High upgrade prices?
  9. Only for the crossgrade from Physion. Also, I jumped on this on release and thought it was amazing, but I have since not once found a need or desire for it.
  10. Damn, I had seen that a while ago and it made me want to check out that feature again. Thanks for the reminder. Now it’s been so long I have to watch the video again. ?
  11. The short answer is: probably nothing that you actually need. The slightly longer answer is: the dynamic EQ part isn't better than Kirchhoff or even Pro-Q, but it does have a section called "Smart Ops" where you can import a file and tell Nova to try to match the EQ curve and dynamics or whatever. I think you can also do other things, but I haven't really bothered to investigate much. I always figure if any feature of any product is really great, I will hear about it somewhere because I follow a few music related forums and what not. I haven't see too many people rave about the Smart Ops thing, so I figured it's likely not worth my time.
  12. Also, these are severely less detailed, I own 2 of the expansion derived from Dark Farm (my favourite expansion) and I uninstalled the whole thing after 10 minutes. Unlike BFD3, it doesn’t feel like playing real drums at all.
  13. You know the answer. Don't become Bapu.
  14. I have owned them for a few years and am forced to use them as my main monitors because my wife hates me. And other reasons. In short, they're tiny little miracles. They somehow vastly outperform their size and anything you could ever realistically expect from 3“ speakers. I downgraded from Adam A7X and am honestly not missing much. The detail, staging and midrange clarity is astounding and I imagine even if you will upgrade at some point, they would be amazing as a 2nd pair. Obviously, even though they go down surprisingly low, you'll have to find another way to check anything below around 40 Hz. I use Slate VSX with decent results, even though my **** gets called „boomy“ quite a bit. Maybe I like boomy. Leave me alone. Since you asked specifically, the room correction makes a very noticable difference and takes them to another level, but you have to make sure they don’t get moved even by a fraction of an inch afterwards.
  15. You sure did. Fosfat is amazing and quite unique.
  16. First time I've seen U2A being $30. Might snag.
  17. I own like 25 of their plugins and love most of them in theory, but honestly rarely ever use them because I have other tools that are better. However, here’s a couple of standouts: Fosfat is on pretty much literally every single kick and snare I mix. Adds to the sub bass and snare bed smack respectively. Skaka is what Shimmer Shake Strike wants to be for a fraction of the price. Tomofon is a great MPE synth for crazy pads and textures (mostly). Esspresso is an underrated deesser equally as good as ones that cost 5 times as much. I don’t own Brusfri because I own RX advanced, but I've heard good things and someone in this thread mentioned it too.
  18. https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-e27 $22.68 with code GROUP. All time low as far as I know.
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