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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. It mostly comes down to a matter of taste within each price bracket. The DT1990 were my favourites among Avantone Planar, Audio Technica R70x and Hifiman Sundara. To actually add something useful to this thread, in the <$150 range I can recommend the Sennheiser HD599 and AKG K702. But mostly I would recommend spending a little more…
  2. I own DT 1990 and they’re excellent with corrective EQ but the DTnn0 are literally painful to listen to even WITH EQ.
  3. Good price for an atrocious sounding piece of trash. The Beyer peak is real.
  4. I wonder what kind of problem you could possibly have that warrants a vocoder of all things as the “mix solution“. The vocalist sucks, let’s make them a robot?
  5. jngnz


    Seeking Out New Audio Rubbish - the forum slogan.
  6. jngnz


    You just gave the anti-definition of FOMO. It's the fear of missing out on something even though you absolutely don't need or want it. Buying something just because it's a great deal, an industry standard, or just something generally beloved.
  7. In the last thread I said this reports like 8% CPU in Studio One. I have since done some more tests and research since I am extremely interested in the Console 1 hardware. Long story short, all the plugins use <2% in Reaper and of course Reaper is so customisable that I wouldn't even be locked into the Softube ecosystem necessarily: So I think I'm moving back to good old Reaper after excursions to Studio One and Bitwig.
  8. I keep getting half-excited and then keep remembering I already own all the native plugins. And I'm not going to invest into DSP chips literally from 2008 or something being sold for hundreds of $.
  9. Modern U and the VSL Bösendorfer really don’t sound like uprights to me. More like baby grands. Maybe because I'm too much of a Thelonious Monk fan, so when I hear „upright“ I'm thinking more „grandpa's living room“ than what you would usually find on a stage. My favourite upright is actually the extremely affordable Fluffy Audio MyPiano that goes on sale for like $9.
  10. Got this one a while ago because it sounded fantastic and I don’t have that instrument in any other library: https://www.loopsdelacreme.com/gran-cassa-infos So yeah, thanks for reminding me.
  11. Not sure they even release 3 good plugins a year at this point. Anyone have a list of what’s upcoming in 2024?
  12. Summit Grand Channel which includes the TLA-100A is $79 on Audiodeluxe. I've heard good things. ?
  13. I agree wholeheartedly, yet I'm not sure I can make it to the next full hour without buying something.
  14. Thing is, on a Mac I will eventually be forced to update. So they will probably get my money if it's like 29 EUR. I'm thinking of selling all their products anyway because at this point I am "smart" enough myself and/or have better/equal alternatives. Let's see how much they improved the unmasking, that might be interesting.
  15. Half excited, half disappointed. They release more paid major versions than patches…
  16. I have basically robbed them with every purchase and have a coupon.
  17. The gift that keeps on giving. Other devs would have made like 5 plugins out of all the algorithms added for free since release. And they're not thrown together quickly either. Palace, added in 3.0 I think, is arguably the best and most complex one. Excited to try the new ones!
  18. I don’t know. I just realised I spent $43 on stuff I don’t need and probably caused the developer like $30 in licencing and bandwidth cost. We are honestly a pretty sad bunch of addicts.
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