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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. Upgrade to Avenger 2 or don't upgrade to Avenger 2 ?
  2. Checked out the video above and other demos. All instruments of the "Electric" series sound boring and lifeless to me, so I'll pass. Money saved, yay!
  3. They're saying it's a Native Access download but I'm not seeing seeing that option. Just "add library".
  4. The Wurli or Rhodes any good?
  5. There's a crossgrade if you own any other higher tier DAW (non-commercial Reaper or Studio One Artist etc. do not qualify) and Best Service has it for 249 EUR: https://www.bestservice.com/de/cubase_pro_competitive_crossgrade.html 229 EUR with code #CHICK20. Bargain!
  6. It is, but I'm not giving it away for free if that's what you thought. ? PM if still interested.
  7. Well, I guess I'm a Cubase user now. Anyone need a Studio One licence? ?
  8. I wouldn't bother. It's one of my more regrettable purchases. High CPU and nothing special. Ah who am I kidding, you will buy literally everything eventually.
  9. I own all of the products in that keyboard bundle and I can complete my bundle for the full price! Déjà-vu! Also, their grand piano is one of the best I own and their organ might be the best.
  10. Meh, waiting until it's $49 on JRR again.
  11. I run into the luxury problem of „too many choices“ all the time, either resulting in being overwhelmed or never checking out stuff I bought and using regular old stuff instead. Last weekend, I was quite inspired by VenusTheory's video about choice paralysis where he and others basically came to the unanimous conclusion that creativity is sparked best by having to work around constraints. I have a list of my favourite basic plugins (and the ones I want to be favourites ?) and their CPU usage and other info anyway, so I had the idea of creating a bunch of different mixing „environments“ where I group plugins by what fits together in terms of aesthetics or sound signature. Every one of those environments could only have a limited number of plugins of each type (like, two „fast“ and two „slow“ or bus compressors and what not) and all the environments are built so I'll have to work around limitations and find clever or at least more complicated solutions. I‘m very much looking forward to doing the same with synths and sample libraries once I find the time.
  12. Poor man's Spectre/Saturn. But I think I paid like $20…
  13. Sure is. I bought that voucher on Knobcloud for $150, so $15 per plugin, including a few ones that likely will not be that low for a while, if ever.
  14. I think $99 was a one time offer when they first started the new subscription models.
  15. The sale on their site is live now and it's of course yet again not included... https://www.sonarworks.com/soundid-reference/spring-sale
  16. Thanks for reminding me I bought this.
  17. Cool, but I'm not holding my breath. They delivered the Silicon updates like 2 years later than they said they would and there's still at least the Arché Collection missing. I own a Touché and actually had an Osmose on pre-order quite early in, but cancelled it because I didn’t want to support a company anymore that made basically their entire ecosystem worthless to me because they didn’t update their software in years. And don’t even dare start with the whole 'lol Apple' ****, it’s getting old.
  18. I want all of the plugins and I want them now.
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