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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. I very much regret having sold Canterbury Suitcase years ago, but haven't seen it for less than the usual 50% off since. Famous E is just not cutting it.
  2. Ye glitch confirmed. It‘s 50% off 50%. And registration worked. So long, suckers.
  3. 75% off seems like a glitch. I wouldn’t wait too long if you want this (or the 2 other new ones).
  4. I know what you mean. I do love and support them and own like 60% of their plugins, but I find I'm using less than a handful of them regularly. Fosfat and Skaka, basically.
  5. Oh yeah? What other drum libraries do you own? I can get OneShot for 60% off but I passed upon trying the demo because it sounds like AD2 level at best. Then again, the demo doesn't include the 2 separate full drum kits.
  6. 30 credits per month for $15 and some of the higher tier plugins are like 300 credits. Looks like you'd have to spend like $3000 to get all of them. They must be *****ing joking with this ****.
  7. LX480 for $149 is one of the worst purchases I've ever made. I'd argue VVV is the better plugin and you can get that for $50 year round.
  8. Every hour is still really bad. Try once a day, then try not checking at all for a few days and realise you're missing absolutely nothing because you're already virtually drowning in plugins anyway.
  9. Good one, they were 50% off like 12 seconds ago…
  10. https://www.tracktion.com/products/horizen https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion-horizen $75.85 code GROUP
  11. Which does not work at all in my experience. I lost a lot of automation, MIDI and MPE information in the process and the bus routing gets all f-ed up. It sounds like a promising feature but it doesn’t work except maybe for really simple projects.
  12. How about an MPE mod? I don’t get it. A synth like this screams MPE.
  13. How did they transfer the punch cards into the digital world?
  14. It can do more than that. Like act as a plugin host for its audio outputs. For example, I use it as a system wide audio engine so I can have VSX on my headphone outs and not on my speaker outs.
  15. You can get ListenHub for 9 GBP because there's no minimum spend. Very useful app.
  16. Are you people insane? This thing is way more than just 200 new presets. ***** $29 plugin trend and people's ridiculous cheapo mindset…
  17. You didn’t get my point. Its existence was supposed to be secret until an official release. This thread should be deleted.
  18. This was supposed to be kept within the Relab community and not announced publicly, which is clearly stated in the mail you received…
  19. I just signed up for one month to get the plugin because it’s easily worth 6.99. People posting the code or trying to get it for free is why we can’t have nice things in the long run. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
  20. On their website, you get the same prices PLUS 3 for the price of 2 PLUS 20% with code SpringKiive PLUS 15% with code Holiday15. Pretty insane. https://www.kiiveaudio.com/collections/all-plugins
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