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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. mark skinner


    Thanks @Lynn , that was quite a compliment and always my intention when composing. This one just happened to easily work out . @Mesh There was absolutely Nothing special done. All tracks used Sonitus eq and reverb and sent directly to master. Hot spots were tamed using cut and fade. Everything except the cello was direct in. No other effects , even no pro channel. Exported and used basic ozone on it. This isn't the way I normally work , but this was the "different" thing I tried for this one .. moving on , "Thank You" to everyone ... mark
  2. mark skinner


    @Mesh The nylon is a Godin LaPatrie Hybrid with a piezo and built in mic , plugged direct in . The neck on this one is Fantastic and not your usual fat wide classical style. Lots of different tones with the eq and mic blender. This was a $175. craigslist find in perfect condition with a thermally protected case. I was lucky to grab this one before it was gone. mark
  3. There is a good Brush Kit in Cakewalk TTS drums section. (channel 10) 2 brush taps and a slap would be good for the train sound.
  4. mark skinner


    Thank You all for listening and responding to this post . I did a mild remix and tried to smooth out the fade better. I didn't have much material to work with at the ending , so I started the fade earlier. My final mix faded slowly and smoothly to silence , but sounds like Sound Cloud boosted and cut it short , but it still sounds better to me. Thanks for the advice.. mark
  5. You don't have an external or thumb drive plugged in that's showing up as E do you ...
  6. Bill , Very cool. I loved the guitar work and tone , I was wanting to hear more of it. Were you using a mod filter ? Enjoyed it and hope to hear more from you.. mark
  7. I just broke down and cried watching "Yo Yo" my 14 yr. old red nose pit trying to make his way back inside. Another visit to the vet Friday. I think the hardest part for me has been when to do the right thing . I know it's coming soon .. This post has really helped me to prepare for this and I definitely feel for you and know what your feeling. thanks for sharing .. mark
  8. Gary . Great song my friend. Your vocal quality always shines thru. I'll be looking forward to hearing a final version. Best of luck to you with the new band I'm sure you will do well despite the added hardships right now. Enjoyed it .. mark (post something in Norwegian sometime)
  9. mark skinner


    Here's a pretty laid back instrumental using my neglected cello , nylon guitars and backing with my homemade slide guitar. All crits and suggestions welcomed . Thanks .. mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/angels
  10. Barry , Very well done that gave me a good times feel like some of the old Allman Bros. instrumental sections I used to listen to. Great job , I couldn't replay instrumentals I did last month much less from years back .. mark
  11. I have an easy to see monitor, so I just use a wireless keyboard if I'm recording something that's hard to let go of , like an upright or cello.
  12. I loved the bottom end and bass in this one and the very tasty use of Wah. Incredible guitar work and tones. Crying shame you lost the project , but you couldn't tell it from this mix.. mark
  13. That was excellent and Very relaxing. Sounded good thru cheap earbuds on laptop. mark
  14. Smooth ! You have a Very nice voice . I think some laid back kick and rim shots along with less of the am radio sound on the vocals would really bring this one forward. Enjoyed it .. mark
  15. Creating a desktop shortcut to this folder has been Very handy for me ..
  16. A previous thread on this issue suggested uninstalling Bandlab asst. from the control panel first then download the latest version. I've done it this way ever since and I've never had a problem updating BA or CbB.
  17. mark skinner

    My Better Days

    Passing comments can turn into a really great song ..
  18. Ken , I wish you all the best in your musical endeavors , and I totally agree , You Shouldn't use Any type of social media . I'm out of this one ..
  19. mark skinner

    My Better Days

    Very nice ! I think it all came together at the build up when the organ came in. Great job .. mark
  20. If you know how to use Google you can find out what "Anything" is ..
  21. I really liked the visuals showing the different great parts. I thought the guitar work and tones were great. It must be nice working with a good real drummer. I miss working with a not real good real drummer .. You tube was glitching a lot , I'll listen to it again later. Fantastic job! It was just too short. mark
  22. Great songs and recording , I've been listening to a lot of early recordings of Mississippi John Hurt lately. You definitely hit the delta blues sound. You should do well with this collection. Enjoyed it .. mark
  23. I had a recent project that kept bringing up the dialog . If I used Save As and then continued with the project , each time I used the regular Save the dialog popped up. If I closed the project after a save as , and then reopened it , a normal save never brought up the dialog. mark
  24. I remember reading a response somewhere on this forum where you could easily navigate to the highest peaks in a clip or in clips pane . I'm sure someone here will weigh in on how to do this , I'd like to know myself .. mark
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