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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. mark skinner

    Red Rocks

    Bjorn , Very nice . I actually play Native American flute, they are so touchy you have to be real calm and relaxed just to play them . It's pretty hard for a synth to reproduce the "air" overtones but you can reinforce it with whispering air blows into a mic following the notes. Great job , very calming. mark
  2. Tom , I really like this faster mix. Great job ! All you need now is a video to go with it for you tube and twitter .. It's been a real pleasure working with you . Thanks .. mark
  3. Note: If you ever forget and leave Youlean loudness meter turned on on a pre or master bus , you'll start getting blue screen's when trying to do anything like bounce to clips or freezing . I thought my project was badly corrupted. Lesson learned. ms
  4. Victoria , are you using headphones while recording ? They will give you a better idea of what your pickup sounds like without hearing all the sound directly from the instrument , It's hard with a violin because your ears are only inches from it. Any acoustic instrument will also act like a giant microphone picking up the signal from your speakers and mudding everything up. I have a pickup in my cello and can make it sound pretty good with eq , but a mic is the way to go. I just have to choose the right time to record . mark
  5. I absolutely loved the music and feel of this. I would maybe lose some of right cymbal hits and and try to get a little 808 sizzle in the remaining ones. This was a song that makes you Wan't to sing. Great job . mark
  6. I feel a little better now .. AVG just said I was "Virus Free"
  7. After bouncing to clips , write down the exact position of the start of the midi clip. Drop it into the next daw in the same spot. (same bpm on both daws) You could also put a single midi note on the first measure to be used for alignment then edited out on the next daw. Dragging the end of the clip doesn't have any midi events in it to use for anything. ms
  8. mark skinner


    That was great ! yet unsettling .. With the feel of the music , it sounded like a training film for new cyborgs. I believe you could do a complete volume of these. You'd never run out of subject matter . Made me smile .. mark
  9. Sometimes a track "color" change can help , if you are editing certain tracks. I have the same problem on a melodyne screen. ms
  10. mark skinner

    Dance Tryout

    Very smooth professional production , and the vocal added just what it needed. keep em coming .
  11. Very nice. I thought the structure of the piano chords was great , I'd push the piano more to the front and have the synth lay under it. I also liked all the vocals. Enjoyed it very much . mark
  12. Steve , I don't have a clue how I got on bandlab. I've never used it. I hope I'm pretty good .. mark
  13. Look in all your Cakewalk project folders. I had one get misplaced once but found it in another folder.
  14. As usual , another one Very well done. Great job on the keys and vocals. I think you really captured the feel of this classic.
  15. Barry , I've also seen this happen when 2 clips get piled on top of each other (if you are working in a single lane) and using sound on sound mode. I have a friend that does this pretty often , he'll just forget to undo the last take before trying it again. I'll grab the clip and move it and find 1 or more clips under it.
  16. I just use the magnifier tool , left click and hold (on the main page) and drag to the right. You can also drag up or down to stretch vertically.
  17. Far out.. I liked the way you put the harmonys in this one. ms
  18. Very cool vibe. It's a lot of fun playing with new stuff. I think main chorus hook was awsome. I found the low end a little overpowering. Couldn't turn it up much . I really liked this song and thought it sounded very progressive. mark
  19. Thank Bill , the folder was hiding from me. I'm just now reading about how to use ir's but I'll give these a shot for now. I've been looking at hardware preamps for months but I may try the Mcloed route first. Thanks .. mark
  20. Gary , Nothing special in the chain. Used an AT 3035 with low cut. Sonitus eq, Izotope vocal doubler , Sonitus reverb. Pro channel- comp, gloss eq(subtractive and notching)console emulator. At the end I used the style dial "grit" module . This made a Big difference trying to get the rough vocal sound I wanted. Still have some minor work to do on the opening vocal line. Part of this corrupt project was any vocal overdubs sounded like they were recorded on different planets. Thanks mark
  21. @lapasoa where in the pro channel can you find the Gibson J200 presets. Are they listed in the pro channel section if you click on the fx chain first ? I havn't been able to locate anything obvious for this. Thanks .. mark
  22. Tom , I know Nothing about working remotely , but if there is "anything" you think I could add to this project count me in. As a retired auto worker , and at a time when GM was acting like Gibson and bailing out on their employees and retirees (for their own benefit) Joe Biden "personally" stepped in. Feel free to pm me. mark
  23. @User 905133Yes I'm referring to the arp in the track inspector column for a midi track. 1/32 rate and 4 octaves worked well for what I was doing. I don't think I could have gotten it done so easy using my controller. Mouse was easy. @Javadude54The measure long notes were a single drum hit with the duration dragged out a measure or however long I wanted it. The arp repeated it until the end of the measure. 2 of these long ones were going most of the time with different short ones added for accents. Easily done just in prv. ms
  24. Sadicus , I'm done with the main body of the project but don't know yet what to do with it. As far as the tabla track , I built the entire 3.5 min. of it in about a half hour using a mouse in prv with the arp. It would have taken me forever any other way. Some of the drums were a measure long and other were real short hits. It was easy to edit without having much show up in prv. When I did a bounce to clips , the screen got so full I had a harder time editing further , but I could get more precise. Try is sometime , it could probably be done just using percussion instruments also. It was actually fun doing it. Good luck .. mark
  25. Are you using the built in CbB arpeggiator ? I recently built a tabla drum track , and all the arp hits showed up in prv after bouncing to clips. I think I remember another post with the same problem until they used the CbB arp .. ms
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