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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Another Very Solid performance. I thought you did a Great job on All of the vocals ! Loved the reverb choice and the tasty piano outro. Enjoyed it .. mark
  2. Craig Andertons link above (one of these free options) includes Reafir. It's included in a small bundle of free Reaper plugins. I've used this several times for noise removal. It has worked well for me , especially if I can isolate a short section of the hiss etc.. If it's real short , you can loop it to build a suitable noise profile. There are some decent YouTube videos for using it in subtract mode. ms
  3. Miguel , I've always Loved this song . You did a Great job on all the backing tracks. Really nice feel . Your vocal range is "incredible" and it's really needed to pull this song off. My only observation for improvement would be to back off the limiter/compression on your vocals. They're Real smooth , but feel boxed in like the dynamics and openness has been squashed out of them. Anyway just my 2 cents worth. Fantastic cover .. mark
  4. @Bass Faceus Make sure your "smart tool" is on . Select your clip with a left click and release. Hold down Ctrl , left click and Hold. If your mouse pointer is sitting on the right place on the clip you will see it turn into a plus sign (+) It can then be slid to where you want it. It sounds like you might be clicking too fast , or it doesn't know what you want to do. ms
  5. Yeah , it used to be Real easy to delete a marker. Right click it and the option to delete it would pop up. I believe this got changed with the new markers view , sure wish it would be brought back. I'm going to try the @Tim Elmore suggestion even though it sounds a little dangerous...
  6. Yeah , might be the ADT , but sweeping the mid range EQ around with a narrow boost will help you identify the frequency that sounds more phased. The idea here is to make the vocal sound as "bad" as possible , then reduce that frequency. I only have Ozone Elements , but the AI's EQ suggestions are always a good tool to see if I'm way off on the EQ. It Always wants me to boost in the 1-2k range. I hate 1k on vocals. (sorry for being so late to respond) Hope it's going well .. mark
  7. Hello , I liked Both versions of the song. Always been an ELO fan and I think you did a Great job on this cover. It's leaning pretty hard towards "Lennon does ELO". If I were to change anything I believe the vocals could be improved as far as the FX and EQ. I'd probably back off the phasing effect a little and look closely around the 1K range for some reduction and a small boost in the lows. Very Nice ! Enjoyed it .. mark
  8. John , This performance and mix/master was absolutely phenomenal ! Fantastic energy throughout. The video was great as well. Sure would be cool to be able to type in your own lyrics to a comic like this. Killer Job .. mark
  9. Hello Bruce , I'm terribly sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I lost my Best friend and playing partner 2 years ago this week. It's nice to still have his playing and voice on my pc. Seems like he's still here while listening. Fantastic job on the song . I've used VHS for recording long practice sessions. Listening , some of them were pretty entertaining after we'd had a few too many.. Enjoyed it .. mark
  10. Some Really cool guitar changes in here Freddy , and some really Big questions asked. You really captured the chaos in with the dissident guitar stabs. Great job on this. They know the truth but want chaos. mark
  11. mark skinner


    Rex , Beautiful lead vocal tracks and harmony ! Huge vocal space. Are you hard panning harmony's ? I've heard this vocal spread on quite a few of your songs with extensive harmony's , and have wondered about your panning to achieve it. I was a little let down by your choice of the instrument in the keys break. I don't think it "lifted" that section as well as it could have. Still Loved the song and performance .. mark
  12. @Hidden Symmetry @Andrew Rhodes @DeeringAmps @Lynn Wilson Hello Friends , I'm Finally calling this one done. Thanks to all of you for your help and inspiration ! I'm sure I'll tweek it a little more before (when ever) I release it. @steve@baselines.com You got me looking closer at the drums. I went back and did a good bit of editing on the kick and added a couple of tom hits , getting it a little more on point. Not a big difference , but It's punching harder instead of being so laid back. @KSband I did a close listen on small speakers and earbuds . Bass was lost .. I did some EQ work , changed comp. settings and added some saturation. I think it's coming thru better with the kick. I'm going to let this one slide off the page now .. Thank You .. mark https://soundclick.com/r/s8nu7z
  13. Great track Keith ! There's some really cool runs and changes in it. I Loved the very powerful ending. I Liked the not so forward vocals , that gave the song a nice feel. Up to the 1 minute mark , I did think they were a little low. Nice .. mark
  14. Nice cover Peter ! You've for sure got the vocals down. I'm not going to attempt to recommend anything EQ wise listening on a laptop. The overall mix sounds good to me , and it does sound like it would be one a little hard to mix . It does sound like the main vocal track isn't centered and could use a little carving out for it. It sounds like it's leaning to the right a little bit . That got my attention pretty quick. I swapped my headphones around and it followed the swap. It may just be me , but I think the build up at the end could be dropped down a little also. Anyway .. Great Job , I Really enjoyed this ! mark
  15. Paul , I remember reading a Real old post about this problem. It hasn't happened to me yet , and I use it a Lot. Maybe putting one instance of it on a bus and use your track sends to the reverb bus would lessen the amount of glitches ..
  16. Pcode , I don't have either one on my laptop and still Enjoyed it. Great work , and as usual Highly Impressive. That's like something I would jokingly say but from you .. I don't doubt it for a split second. mark
  17. mark skinner

    Sad Day

    Sad day indeed .. I hope you both find the strength to carry on as well as possible. You've got a pretty big family here to lean on .. mark
  18. @msmcleod Thank You for that presentation ! It looks a little complex , but I'll give it a good try. I've not been getting very far with the lyrics view. Cheers .. mark
  19. @57Gregy Thanks for that. I actually have home studio 7 installed , and will check there. I'll also check out @John Vere as well. @User 905133 Yeah .. I caught those during my searches. They helped , but I still have questions. According to the CbB documentation , the timing of the typed lyrics are driven by midi. I was thinking I could drag the vocal track (in the correct sections) into a midi track , and use the lyrics view from "there" for the timing ?? These are the type of things I am questioning .. I would prefer Not to use the staff view. It seems the Lyrics view has a Way better font size for easy viewing. This might be a Decent tutorial for someone to make to get out of the box . It seems a lot of Great "You Tube Tutorial Creators" seem to be competing for the same technical subject matter , and None that I have found have covered this .. Thanks mark
  20. Hello , does anyone know of (or have made) a tutorial on using the "lyrics view". I do know that this view gets Very little attention. I would like to be able to add typed lyrics that scroll in time with the main vox track in a project. I've been thru a google search with no good results , and the CbB documentation . The PDF file got me somewhat in the right direction , but a hands on tutorial would be nice. I think this could be well suited for collaborations , or screen captured videos . Thanks .. mark
  21. Valhalla's "space modulator" is also a free one that fits right in with "supermassive". "Raum" reverb is also a nice one with the main patch called "Airy". I picked up a free copy when they first introduced it. I don't know the cost of the plugin now. mark
  22. @Hidden Symmetry In the new mix , I soloed and automated the panning on the vocal tracks. I went out 18% on the main harmonies , that was just enough to keep the tracks out of each others way but still had a centered blend. In the process I also Melodyned one of the harmony tracks. It had some pretty bad spots. Thanks for that suggestion. Everything was straight up the middle. I believe that improved the song a Lot. I'm happy now .. Thank You Bruce. I also did some mid /side eq work while mastering. (another helpful @garybrun suggestion). @Bajan Blue @Larry T. @DaveT2 @KSband @Keith Wilby I Really appreciate you and your time ! @Paul Bush Thanks for the comment and the follow. @Wookiee Thanks you also for the nice comment. You guys keep me going and Really help me to get a handle on the finer points of making my songs presentable. Sincerely .. mark
  23. I thought that was an Incredibly smooth and clean mix . Another "out of the park" production. Highly Impressive .. mark
  24. Thank You for the reply and the suggestion. I actually thought about that while mixing but didn't go thru with it. I really like the way Rex Red treats his backing vocals and at times they sound as if they're hard panned. I'll for sure give it a try .. mark
  25. @AndyB01 Thanks for the listen and the nice comment . @garybrun I Really appreciate your listening and for the earlier private suggestions you gave me for this song . It really got me going in the right direction. Lining the erratic heartbeat up with the song was a "rough job" until I realized an easier way to do it. It took me awhile to get the S problem under control but I was still unsure of the results. It's Always hard for me to get "my own" vocal levels right , I guess I need to get out of the role of the performer and just lock in as a listener. Thanks also to everyone who listens without commenting.. mark
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