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Everything posted by Technostica

  1. At that point it’s too late, as it already is to a degree.
  2. I know and have no intention of ever downloading them. I did think about it which is why I registered and claimed the freebies. But when I thought about it, I knew they weren't worth the hassle or drive space.
  3. I was given a version 1 code to use in the GB and it gave me access to all of the synths as it was such a massive giveaway. I assumed it was a freebie as I was given it without asking or even wanting it. I'm done with IKM now and didn't even bother downloading any of them.
  4. With the group buy I bought into, the free or cheap $50 licenses were helpful in picking up sample libraries. But very much second tier of course.
  5. I was talking about the code that you get from a reseller. I don’t have an authorisation code in my account, just the serial number which is the same as the code from the reseller.
  6. Some people probably buy cheap licences and store them up hoping for another Group Buy! Not that I'm interested myself.
  7. It's going to be a bloodbath on Knobcloud! Some good deals to be had there for sure.
  8. I have String Studio VS-2 which I like. It doesn't work with the latest packs but it's not tempting me to upgrade. Of course they work with the free Player but you lose most of the control then. Keep an eye out for VS-2 as it's often about $20 which is what I paid. Will lack some features such as native M1 support etc.
  9. Exactly. There’s a great thread on KVR where chatting or non deal stuff is not allowed and it’s actively moderated. A breath of fresh air.
  10. Maybe they will start a new range? AmpliHoarder. I like Joe but he doesn't half like to hoard amps and guitars. The only person with more is Norm.
  11. Free if you previously bought one of the two Andy Findon libraries.
  12. PACKS INCLUDED: St Clav Tubed Keys – Rhodes MkI 73 ST Reed Organ ST Tonewheel Singularis – Old School Recording Piano
  13. Is that for two Quadras and WS2 or do you have a personal voucher? The overview video is probably redundant if you have another Quadra, but worth jumping to the end where VT plays some of his favourite presets. These are generally more acoustic/organic than the presets in the other video, which runs through presets with the focus more on synthetic sounds.
  14. Yes. I have one for having a Quadra and one of their annual vouchers and they stack. If you have WS2, that gives you another voucher to stack.
  15. Thanks. Do you have World Suite 2 or the original version?
  16. All my Soundpaint libraries are excellent, I have nothing bad to say about them. (I don’t have any).
  17. As others have said, it comes immediately via email, so it must be automated.
  18. Is it possible to set up a server side script that automatically moves all threads with 'not a deal' in the title, to a different forum?
  19. The $100 voucher is for everyone that registers a new license, regardless of where you bought it. Plus, it can be used in the current sale.
  20. It's seemingly his only public response in that thread so it carries a lot of weight. That's why I personally took it to be a negative. I am ignoring all the responses by third parties as they are irrelevant. So if I just look at the responses by the three or more parties that had personal direct negative experiences and his reply, it looks pretty bad. Then I add on top of that my perception of him from watching many YT videos and the amateur psychologist in me has a field day. I like Troels, even though I don't care for his walkthrough videos. At least he no longer speaks at a hundred miles per hour which was an issue a number of years ago. But for my tastes, he talks too much and has the need to repeatedly tell us how wonderful the product is. When I add all this together, he comes across as seemingly being a troubled figure. I wish him well as I don't want to kick a man when he's down.
  21. The response by Troels put him in a bad light in my eyes I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but after reading his reply I have taken a negative view. I have always found him to be somewhat of a quirky character, at least on YT. Now I am starting to wonder what is behind this quirkiness.
  22. Audio Deluxe seemed to have had glitch pricing which they have adjusted now.
  23. Such an individualistic player. Fortunate to have got to see him play, many decades ago. This is a big favourite of mine: RIP.
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