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Salvatore Sorice

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Everything posted by Salvatore Sorice

  1. Pretty sure you can get it using the Cakewalk Command Center: https://www.cakewalk.com/command-center
  2. Yes, you'll have to join the Group. I created a FB account specifically for that reason (and to join other great music-related groups). I personally have no other use for FB other than that...
  3. Cross-posting files from the other forum is discouraged so I'll not be able to do so. Feel free to visit the "Cakewalk by Bandlab - Creative Sauce Group" - some great content over there!
  4. Yes sjoens, it appears that the newer installs don't load the Presets. Seems that if you have an older version of Sonar, etc. then install Cakewalk by Bandlab, the presets will show up. There was a lot of great work done over at the "Cakewalk by Bandlab - Creative Sauce Group" to get all the Sonitus Presets back (one simple SPP file that contains ALL the Sonitus presets!). And a bunch of folks did manual work to get a lot of the Brainworx Presets to show up. Many thanks to Mi Mo over at that group - he did most of the heavy lifting and is a genius! If it would help, I'll ask the group there if it would be OK to post the files here. If so, any suggestions on where best to post them would be welcomed - I think they would help a lot of folks.
  5. Thanks Starship Krupa and sjoens for the helpful comments! I can live with inserting VST3 Presets via the VST3 menu - not a big deal. The problem with that approach is that when you insert the plugin, there is no way (I know of) to tell what plugin is loaded. Or is there? sjoens, I don't see the Presets on my system for Sonitus (as my screenshots above show). Did you have to do something to get them to appear? Did you load/save them manually? Again - this is a learning curve for me, so forgive me if I'm not understanding these concepts yet...
  6. There is a long thread over at Cakewalk by Bandlab - Creative Sauce Group where we discuss how the (proprietary?) "Preset" dropdown menu in Cakewalk (the one on the upper left of the window) does not show any presets - you have to click on the "Presets" button to find and load one. To make things worse, once you do load one, there is no indication of the Preset you just loaded! This example shows Sonitus but it also happens in Brainworx plugins (and likely many others)? Feel free to load one up and test/see for yourself. Here is the thread: https://www.facebook.com/groups/creativesaucecakewalk/posts/6015534545177705/?comment_id=6017439164987243&reply_comment_id=6019188754812284&notif_id=1673906687627792&notif_t=group_comment_mention I also found a discussion about it on this Forum as well: Make VST3 Presets available from the Presets menu I vote that this should be (ideally) addressed in an upcoming (the next :^) release. Alternatively, if possible, perhaps Cakewalk programmers can make available a utility to convert VST Preset files/formats (or the Sonitus INI files/formats) into the Cakewalk SPP format so they could be exported/imported easily and appear in the native Preset drop-down. I'm not a programmer, so my apologies if this type of utility would be difficult/impossible to make. I'm new to working with plugins/presets, etc. so if I'm overlooking something obvious or there is a known solution I've not yet found please let me know!
  7. Haven't tried, but have found out that the issue likely goes back to Kontakt 5. See this thread over at Cakewalk by Bandlab - Creative Sauce Group: Kontakt 7 Crashing Cakewalk
  8. Just a follow up. I contacted Cakewalk support and they had me uninstall/reinstall Microsoft Visual 14.xxx (x86 and x64), as the DMP file indicated that was what was crashing. Visual reinstall did not help. Can someone please try and see if you can cause the crash as well (per my initial post)? I seems to happen when you batch create multiple outs in Kontakt (see my inital post) and then load an instrument. It’s happening mostly with Kontakt drum type instruments that contain a “Kit” tab (I’m able to crash 40s Very Own Drums, Butch Vig Drums, Maschine Drums, Empire Breaks, etc. as soon as you click on the "Kit" tab). Example - after creating multiple Kontakt Outs and loading the Empire Breaks Kit in Maschine, click on "Kit" and CRASH: Not really affecting me at this point but I assume it will be a hassle somewhere down the road - and want to see if it is just my setup or if it is something affecting all Cakewalk/Kontakt users.
  9. Overall, Kontakt 7 and Cakewalk work fine for me. But recently I was following along with a Kontakt tutorial and could consistently get Cakewalk to crash. Sent dump file to support along with the following info. Unfortunately, the first support reply asked me to reinstall Kontakt?? Can someone try the following and see if you can reproduce the crash? I think that would rule out something in my configuration as the cause. > Open Cakewalk, load Basic template (or another, doesn't matter) > Add track, Instrument, Kontakt 7 > In Kontakt 7 load Instrument "40s Very Own Drums" > In Kontakt Outputs, select Presets/Batch Configuration/Factory/Mono 16x (or any other) > 16 mono tracks are created > In Instrument, click on the "Kit" tab, then click on 1 of the drum pads of the instrument >CRASH. Crash may even happen by just clicking on the "Kit" tab. I think the problem lies in the Kontakt 7 Batch creation of tracks. Crashes seem to happen at different times depending on if you load the instrument first, then Batch create the tracks, or Batch the tracks first, etc. I also loaded other drum instruments and had same crash when just clicking on something after using the Batch creation. Not sure if this happens with other non-drum instruments.
  10. I bought an Arturia Keylab MkII 88 Controller in June of 2022 (I think it was after I watched one of Mike Enjo's (as usual) great tutorials when he referenced it. Thanks Mike! I LOVE the keyboard - responsive, great controls - fabulous! But recently I was experiencing some really bad 'clicking' noises on some (not all) of the white keys when playing the keyboard (black keys seem to be OK, at least so far). The 'clicks' were noisy enough that they would bleed into a mic if you were playing and recording vocals. :^( Note: These are physical noises - nothing to do with midi, audio, etc. The best way to describe/reproduce it is to lightly tap on each white key. Some will sound a solid 'thump' (like if I tapped a key on my Steinway B Grand). Others will make a clicking noise that sounds like you tapped the plastic key with your fingernail. Contacted Arturia support. Their suggestion was to 'reseat' the affected keys. They sent me the attached video. It works! Keys became noticeably quieter - just like all the others. Helped me - hope it helps others. Reseat MKII Keys.mp4
  11. I've seen posts about not being able to see the pictures when viewing Cakewalk Online Documentation. It's happened to me many times as well - very frustrating! What I've found is that if you just remove the "s" from the https URL the pictures will appear (as it will then go to the non-secure URL). I've not had to make any adjustments to my browser (mine is Edge) as others have mentioned - it just works. Example: Many times I'll Google something about Cakewalk and get the https link, like this: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ProChannel.01.html That link will have blank pictures. Just remove the "s" from https: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ProChannel.01.html You will now see the pictures. Works for me - hope it works for everyone else!
  12. Just an FYI on the pictures when viewing Cakewalk Online Documentation (and I'll create a new post as well to hopefully help others). What I've found is that if you just remove the "s" from the https URL the pictures will appear (as it will link to the non-secure URL). I've not had to make any adjustments to my browser (mine is Edge) - it just works. Example: Many times I'll Google something about Cakewalk and get the https link, like this: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ProChannel.01.html That link will have blank pictures. Just remove the "s" from https: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ProChannel.01.html You will now see the pictures.
  13. Thanks Mark. I'm going to get a nanKontrol2 and see how that works. Happy New Year!
  14. Thanks (once again!) Mark. Since I'm in "learning" mode, I might try the nanoKontrol2. Curious - would it be easy (relatively quick) to switch my current nanoKontrol Studio from Mackie Control to CC mode and back again? That would be a great solution.
  15. This is a follow-up question in reference to this thread: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/52994-can-korg-nanokontrol-studio-play-nice-with-arturia-keylab-mkii-solved/#comment-403462 Thanks again to Mark McLeod for his help on that one! Per above, I've got my Arturia Keylab 88 MKII and my Korg nanoKontrol Studio setup so that they can both control volume faders, panning, etc. Very convenient - I can use the controls on my Keylab while recording and then use the nano when I slide my Keylab out of the way to mix, etc. Another newbie Control Surface question: What if I want to use a slider or knob on my nano to write automation? Is that possible? Seems to me that the sliders and knobs are already "spoken for" (i.e., the panning knob for Track 1 is already assigned to panning) so I can't use "midi learn" to assign that knob to something else - correct? If that's the case, I assume I can get another Control Surface and use that strictly for assigning/learning midi functions so I can use it for automation, etc.? Hope I'm clearly stating what I'm trying to accomplish. Thanks in advance for comments/guidance - and Happy New Year to all!
  16. Mark, Success! That worked. Not sure why or how, but using this combination has the Keylab and the nano both working: Thanks SO much for all your help! Happy New Year!!
  17. MIDIIN2 for Keylab (exclusively) results in no sound. I have to set inputs at Keylab mkII 88 + MIDIIN2 Keylab + 2- Focusrite USB MIDI to get sound and control over the Faders, etc. Works fine. Also, after testing any changes I usually have to restart PC to get back to a working state. After testing for a while this is what works for the Keylab: nano is off: All is good... until I turn on the nano again, then the same things happened. Rinse and repeat. Even with the above settings (that work fine) - if I just turn the nano on (and do nothing else - just power it on), the Keylab goes dead. Turn nano off, restart Cakewalk, and all is good again. Most likely answer is that I am doing something dumb... But I can't figure out what it is.
  18. Hi Mark, Unfortunately, still having the same issue. Downloaded the new MackieControl file you mentioned and set all up as noted. Same result. Here's what's happening: > If I start Cakewalk with the nano off, the Keylab works fine - can play it, faders, etc. all work fine. It is (and always was) set as Mackie Control - 1, Cubase Mode, handshake off, etc. - just as your screeshsots show. > If I setup the nano as described above, it appears as MMcL Mackie Control #1-1 (think the -1 is because I had previously set it up myself, then deleted and re-added it? Not sure). Now I have the 2 Control Surfaces: Not sure why the nano appears at the top of the Midi Devices Input list (or if it matters), but here is how it looks: > Now, if I close Cakewalk, then re-open and create a new Project, the nano works fine (faders, etc. all respond), but the Keylab is 'dead'. No sound if I play it and no reaction on the track meters in Cakewalk (like no signal is coming through). If I move the Keylab faders I get a 'screeching noise' coming out of my monitors. If I move the faders on the nano, I see the corresponding fader move on the track and also see the Keylab LCD screen update as well (ie, when I move the nano fader, the Keylab LCD will show the track volume increasing). If I load an instrument (like a piano), I can click notes with my mouse and hear sound, but playing the Keylab results in nothing. It's almost like the nano is 'highjacking' the Keylab (for lack of a better description). I must be doing something wrong and demonstrating my total lack of knowledge in this area :^( Any ideas?
  19. Got the Korg nanoKontrol Studio and was able to set it up via USB / Mackie Control. I also have an Arturia Keylab88 MKII setup in Cubase Mode and using Mackie Control as well. Problem: If I start Cakewalk with the Arturia and nano both on, the nano works great - all the controls function in Cakewalk. However, my Arturia keyboard does not respond anymore. Can't play it, faders/knobs don't work, etc. On the Arturia LCD screen, if I move a fader on the keyboard - nothing happens. If I move a fader on the nano, the Arturia LCD screen shows the activity of the nano fader. Is it possible to get them to play nice together (ie, both work in tandem to control Cakewalk) and I can play my keyboard as well? I'm very new to Controllers/Mackie Control, etc. and am probably doing something dumb. Suggestion appreciated!
  20. Got the Korg nanoKontrol Studio and was able to set it up via USB / Mackie Control. I also have an Arturia Keylab88 MKII setup in Cubase Mode and using Mackie Control as well. Problem: If I start Cakewalk with the Arturia and nano both on, the nano works great - all the controls function in Cakewalk. However, my Arturia keyboard does not respond anymore. Can't play it, faders/knobs don't work, etc. On the Arturia LCD screen, if I move a fader on the keyboard - nothing happens. If I move a fader on the nano, the Arturia LCD screen shows the activity of the nano fader. Is it possible to get them to play nice together (ie, both work in tandem to control Cakewalk) and I can play my keyboard as well? I'm very new to Controllers/Mackie Control, etc. and am probably doing something dumb. Suggestion appreciated!
  21. Thanks for all the comments - I'm starting to understand a bit better :^) What's really weird is that, today, when I opened the project, the parent track now shows my 'expected' view (i.e., the muted part in the T2 lane is shown in the parent track). I did not do anything that I can recall that would have changed the view. Here's how it looks now: Not sure why the audio is purple in color (and not blue like in previous screenshots). Could be because I took the screenshot during a remote session from my office to my music PC.
  22. Thanks reginaldStjohn! I will take a look at this tomorrow and let you know what I find.
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