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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. Excellent, smile from ear to ear from start to finish, love your work ? Do you have an index page to all your Sabbath covers?
  2. Yeah after getting over my initial problem with Pace that led to a many year ban on all things iLok/Pace, I got enticed back, and now I wouldn't want to be without it, zero problems for 5 years or so, I did purchase that Zero downtime thingamajig I think it's called just in case, but it's not been needed. Don't even know it's there apart from the excellent plugins I would otherwise not be able to use.
  3. For me, as with most it really comes to life with some quality 3rd party IR's. I've been using some Ownhammer Friedman IR's which really picks it up for me. Going to try out some of the 2notes Laney stuff and see what that's like. Also wonder if that IRDX Core stuff is going to make in appearance in more stuff and continue to grow, or just fade away.
  4. Yes it is a little different, but not really at the same time. I find it's easy to dial in (like there's a lot of dials) a sound that when you take it away it doesn't sound as good. I find it does sound and feel better, and the more time you put in with it the more it becomes, not so 'weird' and normal even. They have this IRDX Core in the new Aurora DSP Laney Ironheart plugin, you can have it on or off. Their is a bit of negative stuff being said about the IRDX Core stuff, but also some good, and it might be getting a little traction, as with being incorporated with the above plugin. But as with everything best to give it as much time as you see fit and judge for yourself, that's the best and only way.
  5. It seems I get it for free, got serial and download. I can't recall exactly, but back aways they sent out instructions to upgrade from a PA purchased product and have it put in your account at dearVR. I can't recall exactly which product it was but I'm thinking it might have been dearVR PRO, I have all of them so . . . I'll go back through my emails and see if I can uncover anything, that's the only reason I can think of why I might have got this for free now.
  6. Don't know if this will show up in order, I'm on training wheels as far as posting goes so who knows . . . .
  7. shhhhhhh, don't let my Schecters hear you say that, never had an issue with the input jacks on any of them.
  8. No, they haven't gone subscription, well not in the sense of subscription only, perpetual licenses are still available as they always have been.
  9. Excellent, kick *****. Forget Pro Channel and other such gimmicks, toys, these and the following releases are the real thing, Mix Engine FX, not like normal FX, have a read. Available only for Studio One Pro 3.2 onward. Once you get your head around it I hazard a guess it will be like it is here, permanently in use here ?
  10. Log in to your account at PreSonus Select Update Download Install Done.
  11. You might want to keep your eye on the right hand column of the start screen. You will often find some interesting stuff there. For whatever reason when they release an update\upgrade, the release notes are usually not 'complete' and you will find quite a few new 'features' shown/described by a couple of the dudes in short vids there as well. Also Anderton and his 'Friday Tip of the Week' and other stuff at times. Seeing as you have some interest in the immersive stuff, atmos etc, if you scroll that back a little Anderton does a couple of articles on it that you may find interesting, simple but interesting. I think you can find most/all of his stuff here https://blog.presonus.com/category/friday-tip-of-the-week/ There is heaps of stuff for you to discover, and if you follow those little articles in the right hand column of the start screen by Gregor, Joe, Anderton and others you will find some gems which may otherwise not be so obvious. If I can find it, I will put the link here to a sh!t load of short to the point vids that you may find useful or interesting, if they are still there. [edit] Just in case you aren't aware, https://legacy.presonus.com/videos/player and this may or may not be the collection of short vids I was thinking of, https://legacy.presonus.com/videos/player/655/default/0 Best of luck ?
  12. hmmmm, are you sure about that? one of us is mistaken, and I sure hope it's not me, I haven't even used any mind altering substance for 25 - 30 years.
  13. This is well known and certainly not news to many here. Whatever, TONEX just sounds and feels better to me, I stopped using S-Gear many years ago, long before TONEX, in fact I never really used it, it done nothing for me. I kept updating/upgrading, checking the new versions out, but that's about it. I own many IR loaders etc, including the stuff mentioned above, however I prefer to use other solutions with my choice of 3rd party IR's. Like I said, I couldn't care less about that whohar, to me TONEX just sounds and feels better, much, much better, and what sounds and feels better to me is what I'll use, when I find something that to me is better, I will use that.YMMV
  14. Dang it, if I wouldn't have purchased those new 3 yesterday I would have got 1 for free today, but as it turns out they just released the 'Watkins Dominator' today so no freebie for me as that's all there was left to purchase. Can't wait to load it up and go through the gears. From what I've heard it's pretty damn good. ⚡
  15. He should do a good job of it, Studio One is after all the dudes DAW of choice, and has been for eons. Good luck to him, and may he enlighten the deluded. ?
  16. If it wasn't for the TONEX Factor and the fact that I have owned this since release I would certainty pounce, a bargain at thrice the price.
  17. Tone Junkie stuff is ok, I have all of them, but I much prefer Amalgam Captures, I have all of them, or Jason Sadites, also have all of them, to me they are a little higher up the ladder than Tone Junkies. Amalgam Audio's last 3 releases, the 3 releases after the Fender Machete are rockin', not that the Machete or any others aren't, a bit off the beaten path witch is a good thing. Amalgam and JS I just buy them as they come. Keemosawbe has some nice stuff on his site, I got a couple of his packs which are very good, heaps of other stuff, one or two packs from here or there. The world abounds with Gems, good times.
  18. one would hope that the actual app that is out there doing the rounds is considerably better ?
  19. Not really what I was expecting for Revalver5, a little underwhelmed thus far to be honest. I owned all the modules from R4, so I guess I just got to buy what is pic'ed above, I know I don't have to buy anything and can use the free, but to end up with all there is now I guess that's what I have to purchase. I'll keep going through and checking out the new stuff, and suffering that strange noise every now and then. At leas it imported all my old stuff, but we shall see after a few more days. When I started checking it out yesterday I thought hmmm, meh, will I waste anymore time or just ditch it, I own R3 and R4 which I don't use so st least I could waste a little more time on it before purchasing the bundle and then not using it again just like it's forefathers. ?
  20. I ended up ditching it and staying with what I was already using.
  21. Good God man, this be the spawn of the Devil himself, it's believers and followers, the minions of Hell. Steer thyself clear, believe and trust in the God given, thine Thou needeth nothing more.
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