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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. I just wish one of them would get a male with some balls.
  2. I have read more than once where a user asked hand full of questions in one post, one of those questions was a direct question on this matter, one of the staff members replied to the post answering all questions but one, like to take a guess which one that was? it was like it never existed, no acknowledgement of it what so ever. Make of that what you will. Perhaps after Sonar and Next were up and running for a while they may severely hobble CbB but leave it available, therefore killing 2 birds with one stone? Who knows what is going to happen, pointless thinking about it really.
  3. That'll be 80% of nothin' then, I got the last thing of theirs the other day. Got the 'Everything Pack' the 'Complete Pack' or whatever they call it of Cab impulse responses for $0 with a 100% off in one of the Flash sales. Nothing left for me until they release something else. They are not my favorite, but hey . . .
  4. Soothe 2 worth every penny as is the above Fleer mentions, all excellent stuff. ?
  5. Plus they updated Amp Locker and released a new Amp and a new Pedal Pack for said Locker. $9 each
  6. Thank you muchly Waves, and thank you muchly again Mercury (although free for a bit, still) ?
  7. Ya' only live once, and it's only money ?
  8. I've got everything that Sonible has made, I also have the FAST Bundle, I must say they are far from a joke, they are excellent tools if you learn how to use them.
  9. $22.20 at L00T https://www.lootaudio.com/category/plugins/melda-production/msoundfactoryle?affid=s2FeKuIKRnh1Y11WdUomhY2XOlFs5r Quite a few for $8/$10 etc They also pay your optometrist fees ? https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/?manufacturer&price_from=0&price_to=303&sale_only=true&jsf=jet-engine:main&tax=manufacturers:46
  10. You might get a bit more of an idea from the following thread at Gearspace, Fabien from TDR drops in quite a bit to help out. https://gearspace.com/board/new-product-alert/1417794-tokyo-dawn-labs-release-tdr-special-filters-bundle-tdr-prism-freeware-spectrum-analyzer.html
  11. Some of the best IRs going. Code - BLACK20 for an extra 20% off on top https://www.yorkaudio.co/
  12. Amalgum Captures have the 3FOR2, 5FOR3 OR 10FOR5 deals going for TONEX Capture packs (as well as for some lesser platforms) They have also released 2 new packs for TONEX (and some lesser platforms) They are THE ORNG RV100 AND EV 5050III. https://www.amalgamcaptures.com/product-page/orng-rv100-tonex-essential https://www.amalgamcaptures.com/product-page/ev-5050iii-tonex-essential Just purchased myself and about to go and install and give them a run through.
  13. ditto, as well as Savant Audio Labs Quantum Room Simulator https://savantaudiolabs.com/product/quantum-room-simulator/
  14. Hendrix is pretty good. OMNYSS is well different, CPU heavy unless you cut out the new speaker set up, even then a little heavy but not to bad. Knowing what I know now, if it wasn't for 'completions sake' and a bit of OCD, I'd think twice before buying OMNYSS again, then after I'd thought twice I'd buy it again ?
  15. Na, I'm only teasin' there John, I seen your 'Stutterberg Sucks' thread upstairs, and then seen this one and thought hmmmm, and the rest is history. My guess was maybe something to do with making a new web site, I didn't think of writing up documentation, he certainly would be a good choice. Hope everything is fine as well, as I think most here would, whatever it is, could be as simple as having some well needed time off. He's been at it a long time and seemingly almost lives here ready to dispense the good word. Sorry 'bout that Merry Christmas ?
  16. Yeah, I have had it from release it's really good I must agree. PA, I have all of PA's stuff, and I must say I'd take it over PA's every day of the year.
  17. He seems to be fine, he's fairly active over on the Cubase and General Steinberg forums,
  18. This is very nice, gets a lot of use here ?
  19. SVT Suite by Ampeg The Authentic Ampeg SVT Plugin SVT® Suite features three of the most renowned SVT amp heads: The HeritageTM 50th Anniversary SVT, the Heritage SVT-CL, and the SVT-4PRO. The amps can be paired with any of eight Ampeg speaker cabinets and third-party IRs may also be loaded. Plus, Dual-Cab and Dual-IR modes allow two cabs or IRs to be used simultaneously. The cabinets may be miked with any of six virtual microphones and you can adjust the position between the mics and the cabs, as well as blend in one of three stationary room mics. There are also models of five Ampeg effects pedals, including the new RocktaverTM and PhasifierTM effects. All this adds up to one extremely powerful bass amplifier plugin, offering nearly unlimited variations on authentic Ampeg SVT tone. $74.99 https://ampeg.com/svt-suite/
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