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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. Eric Holder and Anthony Weiner are going to run for office together under the ticket: "Weiner Holder".
  2. The old versions of Windows will still work. You should be able to use them for years. One of my PCs I use for backups is running XP!
  3. Oh what a tangled web we weave.
  4. The spell check auto-correct got him. He obviously meant weird.
  5. I had an uncle once who pretended to be a chicken. We would have sent him to a shrink....but we needed the eggs.
  6. That would help you save space in your storage unit at....
  7. You can't do it at the same time but the steps are easy. 1) Do a copy on the line. 2) Transpose the line. 3) Paste the line (the original line which is still in the copy/paste buffer)
  8. I can think of plenty of uses for a 5-channel, surround-sound toilet flush. You could play it at someone's birthday potty. Of course, you would charge a small feces.
  9. You only told us one..five times! 1) Nitpicking.
  10. I can't list everything I'm guilty of...because the internet would fill up and shut down.
  11. That's offensive to people who identify as cats. You're hurting their felines.
  12. I still have my 4-track Dokorder reel-to-reel in a box in my basement. I can't bear to throw it away!
  13. Oh, I see what you did there.
  14. I love their "Sharp Dressed Gender Neutral Individual".
  15. Oh, I'm enlightened baby, I've got enlightenment up the ying yang! "Sympathy for the Unspecified Religious Icon".
  16. It takes just one snowflake.... They'll have to ban Led Zeppelin's Black Dog from the radio.
  17. Yep, just fixed it while you were posting. Go to bed.
  18. I wonder if it's named after Jeff Beck....master of the whammy.
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