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Everything posted by simon

  1. avid subscription is 3 months freebies are forever (like diamonds!)
  2. none of the updates appeared across any product but support sorted it all out I've always had good results and response time from 8DIO - and always very friendly and helpful you think there would be less support overhead just adding it automagically
  3. nothing from Ujam Baby Audio Comeback Kid Convology XT AT5 SE T-rack5 SE Eventide/NA EQuivocate (which is nice) about $1 off a PA subscription (yeah right !) random SFX samples plus some other random bits and pieces
  4. Avid quietly pulled the Pro Tools First product late last year and Focusrite are now offering a 3 month Avid subscription as an alternative. The seem to give you this even if you've already had the First licence. I thought I'd take a look, even though I have zero intention of subscribing. When you link this to your Avid account it dumps 3 month licences into your ilok account. So far so good - but on my account it activated a "protools inner circle' deal which has a bunch of free plugins and sound content. It's worth taking a look even if you have zero interest in an Avid subscription/Trial. NOTE: that when Avid dump the licences (lots of them !) in your iLok account the 3 month countdown begins immediately. It's not the 3 months from activation that you normally get. If you were thinking of actually using the 3 month licences you may want to wait until you need it to maximise your 3 months...if that makes sense ? ALSO: Avid also do a 1 month free trial with licences that begin after activation - and you can 'stack' these in your iLok account - so you can effectively get 4 months free if subscriptions appeal ?
  5. https://babyaud.io/s/Parallel-Aggressor-Manual-BABY-Audio-5apa.pdf
  6. first time you run it it asks for the serial - and authenticates the serial against their server. if it's not asking for a serial anymore then it's all registered. It doesn't create a user account there is a pdf manual on their website too - that doesn't get installed automatically.
  7. 8DIO are on the case odd that it doesn't get updated automatically in your account.....
  8. still showing as 1.1 in my account (and confirmed in the download). I wonder if that's a paid upgrade ? EDIT https://8dio.com/product-updates/ yes 1.3 is the latest....I wonder how I get it ?
  9. I have version 1.1 - which I think is the latest some of the instruments are broken in Kontakt 6 although they work in v5 no sign of any updates in the 2 or 3 years I've had it
  10. I'd be interested in what the 'in real life' latency is ?
  11. Yes/maybe/no.........You need to be more specific ! Did you read the original announcement ? Are you planning to use - cubase ? - nuendo ? - wavelab ? in the future ? Do you have any VST2 only plugins ? (WHY ARE YOU TYPING IN CAPITALS?)
  12. the VST format was never open source. It should have been but Steinberg didn't do that. They pulled the VST2 SDK for new developers years ago and have been trying (by fair means or foul) to pull it from existing developers. EDIT - matthew beat me to it
  13. https://u-he.com/support/faq.html#troubleshooting:vst3-issues
  14. the official advice from Steinberg is to leave that off anyway as it's broken - like other parts of their VST3 implementation. https://forums.steinberg.net/t/c11-speed-improvements/159708/15 there's a thread over at KVR that gives more background - but basically SB are desperate to see the back of VST2. They have been actively trying to force developers to switch.... But lots of developers prefer VST2 and there are certainly plugins that work better in VST2 than 3. Progress is fine but this isn't progress - it's just removing functionality. What's next ? Midi 1.0 ? (so very 1980) - score editing ?(so very 1880). Steinberg can do whatever they want but IMO it's a dumb move, but we've come to expect that from Steinberg over the years. I'm sure whatever development time is saved will get squandered on a plugin that nobody wants or asked for...or 3rd rate sample library....or more likely improving their new licensing model. Apple can get away with a depreciating whatever they like because they are worth 3 trillion dollars...SB not so much. /rantoff
  15. it's fairly annoying for all those older plugins that are not and may never be updated to VST3...and it's currently quite a long list (superior drummer 3 ? soundtoys ? UVI ? XLN AD/AK, lots of NI plugs etc etc). Some will be updated for sure but probably as a paid version upgrade. $$$ There is no real technical reason to do it but they've been wanting to dump VST2 for years and they have got a bit frustrated waiting for the plugin developers to move to VST3...so they are forcing the issue by setting an arbitrary date. I hope they provide a wrapper but somebody at Steinberg has been making some strange decisions recently. At least the stupid licensing model was changed after all the protests - maybe they'll reconsider this to.....fingers crossed. as usual, restricting choice is always bad news for the consumer
  16. I assume you paid $59 not $1,900 ?
  17. https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope-everything-bundle-crossgrade-mps looks like a great price to me. Are you saying it's been cheaper than that. That's all the advanced versions of everything they do for $499 ? Includes all the 3D (surround) reverbs that I think cost me more than that on their own !
  18. some great upgrade prices there !
  19. also at pluginboutique if you have virtualcash/tokens to use
  20. release notes are here: https://www.waves.com/downloads/release-notes
  21. Interesting that Halion 7 seems to be just around the corner. Halion 6 has been out for around 5 years and is long overdue an update. BUT - strange (annoying if you bought it) that they released Absolute 5 in August, why not wait for H7 to come out. Fortunately I didn't think there was enough in A5 to update and it hasn't been included in any of the sales since release......but I wonder if they will include H7 when it comes out ? Maybe they were pushed into releasing A5 because they didn't have enough new product to push last year. just thinking aloud
  22. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoyaeouPUsdtadsUSGhK4V7Ghkst92MOs
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