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Everything posted by simon

  1. quoting myself - yep incompetence https://forums.steinberg.net/t/cubase-12-hint-on-official-webpage/748123/10
  2. it's a bit odd and there has been no official announcement - I'm not part of the beta team anymore so I have zero inside information but I'd wait before activating anything. Basically don't trust that information on the website....yet !
  3. bought this earlier. It sounds great and I'm not complaining for $20 but I'm not sure it's better than the other rhodes plugins I have ?
  4. true - but I'd still wait to see if the webpage is accurate........
  5. a shock update to AD2 as well !
  6. Installed and working here The window resizing doesn't work on Win10 VST3 plug but everything else seems to be great
  7. Coupon code fixed and the plugins are working fine here - (UK!) they sound great too
  8. not stable for me since the InMusic migration - still a bit of a mess IMO
  9. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/rough-comparison-of-two-measurement-mics.2409/ http://www.audioimprov.com/AudioImprov/Mics/Entries/2012/11/12_Dayton_EMM-6_%26_Behringer_ECM-8000_Measurement_Mics.html
  10. I'm not sure I agree with that ? I'm fairly sure that it actually is an SG ? I have one and it sounds like that, or at least in the ballpark. You can't blame them for putting a picture of the instrument they have sampled on the packaging . I don't think they are misrepresenting anything here ?
  11. I have to agree with this - I'd hold on with any BFD purchases until things settle down - it's as buggy as h*ll at the moment - such as shame as BFD was great in the early days. SD3 never misses a beat, literally and metaphorically
  12. good to see the XLN team are keeping busy
  13. No real thoughts about the plug, sounds nice but it's a bit too expensive for an impulse buy. I'm trying to avoid buying NI stuff when it's released as I always regret it when I upgrade to the next version of Komplete. So unless it's cheap or totally amazing I swerve.
  14. it removes them from your DAW but doesn't hide them from T-racks standalone or t-racks suite where are you seeing them ?
  15. totally sensible IMO Only really worth paying to update if you need one of the fixes that are listed or if some new plugins are added to any bundles - and you want them. For windows users there isn't a huge amount of changes.
  16. installed and working here - in most cases the plugin is exactly the same..just the version number has changed.
  17. run the IK manager thing to update this update is to add the 4 new tascam tape emulators note: if, like me, you thought you had ALL the t-racks stuff due to the recent GB, which meant you could happily open up and use ANYTHING you had installed - this means your back to having to remove the unlicenced vst dll/vst3 files by hand. They have pretty much fixed it in AT5 with the 'hide stuff I don't own' option, wish they do this with the t-racks installer /RANTOFF
  18. I'd put the porta-one in different category than those but hey
  19. isn't nostalgia wonderful - I seem to remember that we were desperate to get recordings that DIDN'T sound like they were recorded on a Porta-One. Even the 3340/3440 weren't exactly amazing - aimed at the budget end of the market .........
  20. yep......eventually you run out of upgrades ....first world problem of course
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