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Everything posted by simon

  1. I thought the entire look - including the glasses, jacket, shirt etc.... was perfect.
  2. personally it didn't sound like you read it at all to me - sounded totally natural and that's one of the things that was good about it. I only mentioned 'read' as it looked like you were staring (downwards) at a computer screen that we can see reflected in your glasses.
  3. agreed on all these also If you're reading from the computer then move it so it's at camera level......plus watch the lighting reflected in your glasses and they are points are nitpicking cos that was great. I think you're onto a winning idea there. ??
  4. https://www.steinberg.net/licensing/faq/ At this point Dorico 4 is the only thing using the new licence thing - but Cubase 12 will use it as well You can licence 3 computers at the same time and if you need to 'deactivate' a computer then the licence will become available to install on another machine. If you are talking about selling licences (?) well steinberg haven't worked out a system for this but they have promised a solution - they are making it up as they go along. If you have ANY other steinberg software then you are going to need to keep using the dongle for quite a while yet. What are you "holding off" buying ?
  5. hi Zo can you explain what you mean ? are you asking on how the 'new licensing' manager will allow you to move between computers ?
  6. I hope so...but I think a lot of that development time will have been on the new licensing and M1 support - neither of which I really care about and certainly don't want to pay for. This time they'll get HiDPI fixed...like the other 3 times they 'fixed it' We'll get some new plugins (that we don't need) - some new sample packs (which we don't want). It really does feel like Steinberg have lost their way in the last few years. Treading water. I don't know if anybody remembered the two 'user request' surveys that they did a 2 or 3 years ago. Some great feature improvements were suggested on them - more or less none have made it to the product.
  7. bug fixes new licencing that doesn't need the dongle M1 support on the mac but NOT for VST2 (and this is a PAID update ?) I suspect we'll see the remote MIDI API thing that was supposed to be in v11 but didn't make it. be prepared to be underwhelmed ...and I say that as a Steinberg Fan !
  8. £89 in the UK we've got ezbass and modo bass at £89 I'll pass - I'll sweep it up in then next Komplete upgrade I do like the session guitarist stuff though.....looks like it borrows elements from that.
  9. and as if by magic...(magic russ?) https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/guitar/session-bassist-prime-bass/ (edit - Larry beat me to it.....oh well at least there are some things in life we can rely on)
  10. They were based in the UK and gave good customer service. That's not cheap. Lots of people like to buy direct too. It all part of the "race to the bottom" on prices I guess. I love a bargain as much as the next guy/gal but I also think we need to look at the bigger picture when we buy. Developers/resellers deserve to get paid just like everyone else.
  11. I thought it might be today - end of the sale and all that... it's in the gate, waiting to go so I suspect it will be next wednesday.
  12. good luck and warmest regards to all the staff - hopefully everyone will manage to get alternative employment
  13. simon

    Waves free plugin

    the never said what time on Tuesday ?
  14. they used to do random change logs: https://www.xlnaudio.com/support but nothing in the last year
  15. ....but that would require updates to the various plugins etc to read the licences from the new licensing software rather than the dongle. They have explicitly ruled this out for the existing cubase/nuendo/wavelab (v11 and below) range and other 'legacy' apps/plugins so I can't see them updating things like The Grand - I'd be happy to be wrong of course. Most of those apps haven't been updated in ages. At this point the only things that have been released with the new licencing scheme are Dorico 4 and Halion Sonic SE. There are some posts on the steinberg forums detailing some of this and as I say, things may change/develop. Personally I think that SB will be forced to keep those elicencer servers running for much much longer than they are admitting. Steinberg's argument is that the legacy stuff will continue to run fine with the dongle, even when the elicenser servers are switched off.......as long as the dongle keeps working and as long as you don't want to transfer or sell.
  16. ...just another quick thought on this: Steinberg have publicly announced "The End" of the elicenser. They have suggested that the elicenser servers will be switched off in the next couple of years. This means that you elicenser will still work but you won't be able to sell or transfer your licenses after that. Also if your elicenser breaks...tough...you lose those licences. They haven't been at all clear about what software will be updated to work with the new licensing scheme but they have said that 'legacy' (whatever that means) software WILL NOT be updated to use it...this includes ALL previous cubase/nuendo versions. I've a LOT of Steinberg licences and I'm willing to bet that most will not make it to the new licensing system, hope I'm wrong but I suspect not. And Steinberg 'may' have a change of heart. I'm not trying to scare monger but it's worth bearing this in mind if you buy anything by Steinberg it's worth factoring this in. Two years isn't as long as you think ...... (see also my rants about dropping VST2 support )
  17. note - it's a plugin that's approximately even older than me (!) and (IMO) not worth anything like $89.99
  18. FWIW there was an XO and RC-20 update too
  19. as usual - no change logs on the XLN website...
  20. 199 euros in the UK - and I'm with Reid on this oddly it says "$199/199€ after February 21st, 2022" under the 199 euro pricing ? so the same price after the intro ...wonder if that's a misprint ? I'm struggling to find a list of what's been added since VV3 - anybody found a list ? EDIT it's the ones that say "new" (doh!) Bit Zone Emulation II+ Hybrid 6000 Prime 8+ (808) Program 24 PX Memories PX SunBox Super-7 EDIT 2 to put some perspective on it - I paid 299 euro for VV3 so I'm not convinced 199 euro upgrade is good value - even worse value when it goes up to 299 euro
  21. Helix, the gift that keeps giving (edit) download = 38MB - how do they fit all that into 38MB ?!?!?
  22. If you judge them by the demos I know what you mean It's when you start to use them with your own chord progressions and then start hacking them up that they take a life of their own. They can take your own compositions into new territory. I know they aren't for everyone but you can get amazing results really quickly especially for us ham-fisted piano player types. PS Dear Toontrack can we please update EZKeys to the EZBass GUI ...please, please, please
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