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Everything posted by simon

  1. is it worth giving it a try - if it's cheap enough you should be able to move it on via ebay without much loss ? FWIW I have various DAW fader things (controlfreak/US2400/cc121) but they never really seem to fully unleash you from the mouse/keyboard. Because you always seem to have one hand on the mouse/keyboard anyway, then you end up just using that most of the time. I find the CC121 (for cubendo) the most useful as it's a single fader and you can just use it to write fader automation.....and that's all.
  2. they know - they just don't agree !
  3. pretty vague IMO - probably just a roll-up of various fixes that have been in the queue for ages/ This update is all about selling you extra kits - not about improving the product. The fact they marketed this as an 'free' UPDATE is what is so confusing. They should have added some actual measurable and visible IMPROVEMENTS called it V2 and added the custom shop - then $79.99 might have seemed reasonable. But remember this is IKM we are discussing
  4. you get the update for free but you don't get the additional 3 new kits - these remain 'locked' until you have parted with $79.99
  5. yes you do - it even tells you to do that in MD when you click on the kit..... the additional 3 kits have a separate download (4 x .pak files in total)
  6. I didn't think that the original 10 kits had been updated - where did you see that information ? The ones listed in the "Sounds" tab say "installed"
  7. The website suggest it's works with Halion Sonic SE - which is free and doesn't need a physical dongle https://www.steinberg.net/vst-instruments/halion/se/
  8. I thought that was very very much improved 'technically'. It was excellent in my view. Personally I wouldn't over do the music - it works really well with you just reminiscing with the photos to give it some 'context' - maybe the music gets a bid distracting and unnecessary ? Not saying it's wrong, just saying I'd be happy to not have it
  9. It's very difficult to like IKM - they obviously think that this kind of business practice works for them though ?
  10. agree yet again ! and what is with with IKM that they insist on showing you all the unlicensed stuff with a big padlock - with a shareware type nag-screen. like that's gonna make you buy it - it's just irritating and not very professional IMO. I though Peter has said that IKM had learned that lesson ?
  11. doesn't look like it - not in the full version anyway ?
  12. agree, you get: "general reliability improvements (?) " and nothing more
  13. Ahh ......so v1.13 = v1.0 ? looks like it might be ? so how do we HIDE the unlicensed kits - I though IKM had learned that users find that irritating by now ? EDIT - any reason not to roll back to v1.13 for those who don't want the extra PAID FOR kits ?
  14. simon

    Izotope R4

    Michael Carnes (Exponential Audio and ex Lexicon wizard) left when iZotope took over - I strongly suspect these products won't receive much, if any, updates going forward which is real shame
  15. I've tried 'restore purchases' in both custom shop and ModoDrum - and done an "unauthorise/authorise" but no luck
  16. it's as clear as mud ? it installed fine for me but the 3 new kits are locked - and there is no ModoDrum custom shop as Sander pointed out ?
  17. I have the full version but the 3 new kits are shown locked here - not sure how to unlock ? do I need to buy them (which ain't gonna happen!)
  18. I see no reason to wait if you are thinking about buying the Portico plugs Note that these plugins came out in 2011 so they are over 10 years old - they have had some minor updates but when you consider the price I think there might be better options out there ? Steinberg haven't been clear about what software they consider 'legacy' and what will be updated to use the dongle-less system. Portico still use the dongle and I suspect they will use the dongle for a while longer...but that's just a guess.
  19. change log and download here: https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads/wavelab_11.html
  20. good to see the XLN developers are keeping busy ?
  21. word on the street (!?) is that it might be bumped until march ...... I suspect they are under a lot of pressure to get this one right and if the new licensing system falls over then it's going to be fairly embarrassing
  22. 99% of mics are mono - but you need to 'pan' them to the centre to make the audio come out of both speakers on a stereo file. Lots and lots of ways to this but it you are mixing in Cubase then just check on headphones before you export the final mix - and look at the meters too. It's a long time since I've looked at Premiere but you can do it there if you prefer.....just double check on the meters/headphones. If you get stuck then PM me and send me the audio and I'll fix it for you - it's a 2 minute job.
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