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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. heh, all you need is 3 minutes and 8 seconds!
  2. Glad you're hearing what I was going after! Yea, its hard. Mostly training the ear to hear the difference between hard clarity and smoothness the ear really wants to hear. Thanks for the comments
  3. ha! ozzy! i dig ozzy. one of my first albums i ever bought, was the black sabbath Paranoid album.. so i can't see he's NOT an influence! love rush too... the meter drop out has to be there, to match up with the lyric... i've made it more obvious now, and i already had a key change after the 1st verse... what i call the middle eight, happens twice, there is a full step up, then a step back down to the main key. not a bad idea, for sure, but wouldn't really work with the flow i'm going for. i appreciate the comments, thanks for listening!
  4. excellent idea! i have waves Renn de esser, and De esser, plus a de esser with studio one, but haven't tried sibilence. you know, some plugs just work better than others by design, so yea, on sale, i might nab it. the crash, i processed the pitch a bit lower, and lowered the volume a bit, and voila. i actually like the pitch of the cymbal now. it's a keeper. i wont post another mix of this, til i release for album. appreciate the help along the way!
  5. thanks for listening ron! good ears you have.. i'm going to find those freq's, and kill them with extreme prejudice!!! LOL actually, maybe just a touch of a dynamic EQ on just the one frequency, i think in the case of the cymbal (superior drummer rooms of hansa), i may just drop the pitch of the cymbals a smidge, and see if that shifts that frequency to make it a bit richer. if not, same deal with the vox, i'll deess it with either deesser or dynamic eq, which i'm using more of these days for problem solving.
  6. hey mark! i'm glad you dig this mix, i suppose it will appeal to some, and not to others, that's ok with me... those drum flams, are fills i took from the 'rooms of hansa' SDX kit with Superior Drummer. i really like that set. i've built a custom drum kit, i'm still working on what i will call my 'signature' kit. the drum part change happens as the arrangement changes, and the mood of the song changes, it keeps the groove going, but releases the tension completely, hopefully aligns the listener's ear with the next section. i thought about just dropping the drums out completely at that point, as the music plays on, and letting it come back in with the full band a few bars later... i may still try this approach, as i finalize what i want to do with the song. thanks for the input!
  7. That drum break is my favorite part mark! Heh, no, I think I'll keep that part, its inherent to my sense of humor! vox are up now. Tnx for getting me to think about it
  8. so, i remixed this today, worked on the vox quite a bit, reduced the actual 2nd lead vox tracks, and moved them off center, or mute them at times.. left the harmonies, but repositioned in the stereo field, and added some more room verb, which made them sit in the mix even better. i have the magma bb tubes on the vocal bus, i reduced the high end a bit, and reduced the odd order harmonics (beast) and that made them quite a bit smoother. see how you like the new one please! (same link, i never keep the older mixes.)
  9. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/running-free ok, remixed the entire thing, using the ideas folks gave me! thanks for that... and re-eq'd the entire drum kit. it's getting closer
  10. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/running-free would love some feedback on the mix, working this one up right now
  11. another favorite from way back, of mine. great cover, mick box is just a bit different than any other guitar player i heard at that time... and trying to sing david byron, is just as hard as trying to sing freddie mercury, or elton john. it's a task, not for the faint of heart. gary thain is still one of my alltime favorite bass players, rip. great job on this one.
  12. LOVE THIS ONE. you know, i just don't care about covers anymore, haven't for years, but i love this. what love for sabbath. sabbath is what started me off as a guitar player, so it's a life long love affair, and i dig anyone who cares enough to make such close covers, it's not karaoke, it's pure fandom. dig it.
  13. wow leadfoot, thanks! this mix was fairly easy, compared to some of my other stuff... and i guess the 'bounce' you mention, is me trying to play ahead of the backbeat drum track, which i programmed backbeat, knowing i was going to push the beat with the guitars. i like playing with meter that way. and yea, it does bounce! heh
  14. ok i changed the bass in the mix slightly, see if that makes it sit nice
  15. thanks a lot, john! glad you liked it! drums are very dialed in, and i just tried to balance the eq with the panning in a way that spread everything evenly, and offered the most clarity. every mix is kind of like an experiment, eh? ?
  16. a great cover of a cool sab tune, i went back and listened to your national acrobat cover, wow, that one was really close! excellent.
  17. hey 53! thanks for listening, glad you dig those guitars. it was fun tracking them. i thought about leaving that first jezebel out, like you suggest... funny you mentioned it. now, much later, i still think it works as the 'hook', it's like petty used to say, dont bore us, get to the chorus. LOL, maybe i could exchange the lyric right there with something similar, but different. i'll mull that one. daniel johnston, had never heard of him before you mentioned it here, thanks for the headsup, i will investigate.
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