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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. HEY, this week is the Monaco Grand Prix! nice to revisit this tune
  2. and with the Monaco Grand Prix this week! timely
  3. ha! thanks lynn yea, i was looking forward to the italian grand prix last weekend, alas, global warming. heheh what's coming up? MONACO, baby. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/bullet-train-to-monaco
  4. thanks mark! that album (elemental) uses just about every version of tone that box (iridium)could put out... i mean, it's really an infinite number of tones available, but i'd say, i used every 'common' variable... fender deluxe clean and dirty, same for ac30, same for marshall 100 watt plexi, both with pedals and straight. quite the experiment, for sure. i feel like i mastered it at this point.
  5. usually, ignoring a thread is equal to a shrug.
  6. you're right, the palmer was my original method of going direct. i ran the mesa hot, using a weber attenuator, and the full output of the amp bypassed the weber into the palmer, the attenuator was just for my in-session monitoring. but in 2020, i bought the iridium, and created an entire album based around the sound of the Iridium, i was stoked with it. it's an all instrumental album, 10 tracks, called "Elemental" https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/album/elemental-album i did a vid, for the one tune that had the highest gain stuff going on, that's here:
  7. hey mark! thanks so listening, i got very little feedback on this one, and i worked so hard on it!! i'm not sure why you would be surprised about this being a strymon iridium recording... i've been using nothing but the strymon for the last 3 years! seriously, anything you've heard of mine in the last 3 years, was done using the Iridium. it's a wonderful machine! my mesa boogie mark IIb head and cabs are just sitting silently, rarely do they ever even see the power button on. my pedalboard that goes into the Iridium from my guitar: i've got boost, and 3 levels of gain available, plus compression, univibe, and wah. the wah is a Budda Wah, one of my most favorite out of about half dozen wah's i've owned. i run the iridium output into a Boss DD-200 (when i want time effects) and that goes stereo into my RME Babyface Pro interface. the feel of the Iridium is what sold me on using it. that, and the quality of the amp models. it feels even more immediate than micing up my boogie. i think it's got less latency than the mic distance, time thru the cables, thru the interface, into the monitoring. it's the FEEL of the iridium that i love. it's immediate. they really nailed the front end of that pedal. plus, it's dirt simple. i set it up with whatever cabinet/mic combo i'm looking for (i use York Audio IR's), and i just twist the little knobs til i get what i want! i don't even bother using the 'favorite' preset, because i change it all everytime i plug it in to do tracks. i never use the same setting twice.
  8. your best bet, is hearing aids. WIDEX is what folks like Steve Lukather use. https://www.widex.com/en-us/
  9. last attempt to push this one for listens, time to move on
  10. Thanks Andy I appreciate the kind kudo
  11. hi mark! thanks for the comments funny how the wah just works its way in there....! LOL
  12. HEY THANKS KRUPA! I MISSED this one way back... yea, there's some really good racing going on this season, but verstappen is just slaying it. lewis is in the record books, as is fernando, max is writing a new book.
  13. cool tune! i dig the whole thing, but have a couple of suggestions on the mix... vox too hot. needs to sit back in the mix a bit, it's just a bit caberet drums too weak, the kick almost disappears. other than that, i dig it! reminds me a little bit of hendrix's 'merman' tune. got that spacy otherworld
  14. it's been a while now, since i used the boogie. prolly should knock the dust off of it
  15. hey joad! thanks so much for listening and commenting you know, i love the boogie too! but, there's no boogie on this recording... only this: it's been a great experiment trying to see if direct tones from a modeler would work from me, after 40 years on tube amps. it does.
  16. yes, we both agree with this. i'm offering another side of the story, for clarity, and balance. i don't do wup. like i said before, that is a non issue for me.
  17. bumpin' it for a chance at hearing it.
  18. now, when i had SONAR, i also used the plugs, and never had an issue then. so , i know it's not sonar, or the difference between it and studio one. i'm not trying to make a fight here, i'm just saying.
  19. have had zero issues with licensing. i just download the lastest plugin manager, download the plug, put it into Studio One (which is automated) and boom, there it goes. every plug i've ever bought and added to the group, has worked perfectly. i just think you guys are doing something wrong.
  20. No wup for me, Win 10 pro, Studio one 5P Just a solid platform, zero issues
  21. 12 years, Zero issues. I'm sorry this fact bends your brain. The install is always dead easy. Always works.
  22. Never had an issue. That, Is my point. There is balance in the universe
  23. the whole idea of this song, was to capture the vibe of an actual Grand Prix race... the start, the near misses and actual crashes, the virtual safety cars, the REAL safety cars, the re-starts... all the elements of a typical grand prix, to me, that literally walk on a razors edge. people have been asking me for some more 'go for the throat' guitar playing, so i figure this one should fit the bill. i didn't use my new tele on this one, but i've been real busy using it on several other ongoing projects, you might hear soon. i used these two guitars for this one:
  24. i use waves plugs, and have never had an issue. i just dont' get it, the complaining. i've boiled it down to just about a dozen regular plugs i use, and pull out all the rest.
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