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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. updated mix and arrangement, new link: https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/michaels-house
  2. thanks a lot andy, appreciate the listen. got a new mix i'll upload tonight.
  3. ha! i love delays too.... WHEN im playing, not sometimes, when i'm mixing. i don't want any mud in the water. i like a clean swimming pool. LOL i like to blend my love for gilmore, with my love for R. blackmore. heheh, it's a weird blend, i know. thanks so much for listening
  4. thanks for the comments, steve! yes, tweaking drums tonight, new file will be uploaded after that. i have more tricks to use!!
  5. hey kevin! thanks for the kind words. yea, the harmony guitars are fun, i usually just wing one of em, and then go back and learn the harmony to it. so one's easy, ones' hard!! LOL i think i have a delay on some of the faster harmonies, i need to take that off when it speeds up. i meant to only put the long delay on the last note of each of those passing sections....
  6. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/michaels-house another song off the upcoming release of 'The Wild Animals', this song is a true story, a requiem of sorts for a good friend that is gone. i'm doing final mixes now, would like some mix feedback if you hear anything out of place. i already know i have a peak at 200hz i've got to deal with. i'm also going to tame a few passes of the drum track, so little things i still have to do. looking for big picture stuff mostly.. thanks in advance.
  7. hey jack!! thanks for listening to my song, i appreciate it!
  8. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/on-your-way-test this is the 2nd song towards final tweaks for a new album release. i'm working hard on finalizing mixes now, so i'm hoping to post each one and get a quick read on if there are any translation issues with the mixes. i've tried a few mix ideas on this one, that may or may not totally work, just looking for some basic feedback on this one.
  9. ok, last pass at this mix, i'm finalizing this weekend.. then, hopefully, i'll have time to do the rest of the album!
  10. hey T! thanks for listening if the translation is good thru the iphone earbuds/hearing aids, then that's extra cool. i don't have anything like that to test translation. and it IS a matter of figuring out how much upper mid, and upper lows, i can bring out for clarity, without mud. i mean, if you listen to this thru a full range system LOUD, you will hear the subs, but i have it rolled off pretty high, starting around 80hz, but with a shallow Q... meaning, there still is a good bit of info below 80hz, but the kick at 55hz, and the bass as low as 40hz, is still represented. when i jack up the subs, with kick and bass, it just sounds muddy to me. might sound awesome in a club playback! but not on headphones or buds, which seems to be what most folk are listening to these days. thanks again!
  11. Thanks man, I spend a good amount of time on arrangements, but try to knock the performances out in one pass, to try to keep it sounding fresh. Thats why there are irregularities! Lol
  12. thanks steve~ i re-eq'd the vox today, that should help with the clarity in the high end, check the new mix, see what you think!
  13. thanks for listening JOAD! i remixed today, and it's a bit tighter and pushed in the low end, see if that makes that moving part fill in better. new link is up!
  14. hey mark! thanks for helping out... i'll dial those harmonies in a bit tighter... sometimes i just like the harmony part better than the lead part! but if it sounds funny, i need to smooth it out. soundclick, i had before soundcloud. the reason i moved to soundcloud then, was because it sounded better than soundclick. maybe, enough time has passed, that soundclick improved their streaming? dont' know, but it's impossible to make any kind of real comparisons or mix/master suggestions from a 128 kbps mp3 stream.
  15. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/animals-test so, this is a test-mix i'm trying to dial in to set the tone for an entire album i'm remixing now. the last test mix i posted didn't work out! LOL, soundcloud..... i've done new tracks, new arrangements, and new mixes / masters. i'm looking for any translation issues between playback systems. i've done ear buds, open and closed back headphones, JBL 503's, and Infinity Research Standard tower speakers. haven't done car, truck or any tiny playbacks. my feeling is that the vocal track overall is a bit too loud. still not sure about bass level either, some have said too loud, some have said not loud enough. the mix should be guitar dominant, like a wall of guitars left and right, but on certain playback systems, they seem a bit weak. anyway, suggestions are welcome. going for around -10 lufs on this one, maybe closer to 9.8.
  16. WOW, listening to this streaming on soundcloud, sounds nothing like my mix at all!! LOL usually i use bandcamp, but since this is a temp file, i thought the soundcloud streaming would be fine. wrong. if nothing else, at least it informs me of how badly typical streaming service really sound, and maybe i should EQ my stuff a bit to take that into consideration.
  17. deleted file. see new post please
  18. Wow, somebody s listening! Cool, thanks steve!
  19. the hungarian grand prix is this weekend! I don't have a song for that one...
  20. bats brew


    oh yea i dug this as soon as it started. the whole production is really nice, i'd prefer a different snare sound, that's the only thing i'd change.
  21. MIGHT HAVE BEEN A BETA 58. not the same animal.
  22. used sm58's for years and years, that one works.
  23. hm... i kinda thought this song would be right up folks' alley around here, go-for-it guitar stuff, slammin' mix, but it seems to be more about the tumbleweeds...
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