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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. thanks jack c! yea, drums are superior drummer, using 'rooms of hansa' expansion pack. i think, the 'marble' room. that drum track was pretty customized, editing wise. guitars were done thru a strymon iridium, same for bass. it's so easy recording with that thing.
  2. Man, what a great race, right here in the states! Very cool outcomes
  3. By the way, they're showing the Miami grand prix tomorrow on regular tv
  4. This is an instrumental rock song, #2 of a 3-song trilogy, inspired by Formula One racing. This is the British Grand Prix, Silverstone! https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/silverstone njoy!
  5. some nice playing there! yea, i get the issue with piezo sounds, i don't like using them, but in this case, the sounds kind of makes sense, the guitars float on top of the bubbling bass lines, if not a little bit too crystalline sounding, but clear as a bell. my guess is, if it was miced, it wouldn't work as well, it'd be 'too full' for the busy arrangement to work. you'd never know, i guess, without micing the guitar, re mixing it, and see what happens. i hear the funky syncopation in the arrangement, it aint funk, but it gets funky. LOL
  6. hey mark! thanks a lot! yea, i really like the tele sound, it's quite different than what i'm used to, a new instrument, which is always fun!
  7. hi ear candy! thanks for listening, with the intent of the song... satch is always going to trigger a comparison, just cuz he's been making fast hard rock sounding instrumentals forever, it seems...
  8. Hi daryl! That circuit trip sounds like a super fun thing to do, The song was fun to track with the imagery I had in mind I've gotten to the place where I can quickly get my ideas recorded, And be happy with it! The gear is all dialed in, The amps, mics, guitars, bass, I've finally gotten it all where I want it.
  9. Thanks Larry! Yea, the pulling into a station to pick up more folk. Then cranking back up to speed, I tried to put the cabin noise, people talking, just the idea of it
  10. yea, i don't think i'll get to make the trip to monaco any time soon!! i'll live it, vicariously. thru netflix 'drive to survive' LOL
  11. hey thanks jack c! this one was just fun to track
  12. this is an instrumental rock song, the First of a 3-song trilogy, inspired by Formula One racing... imagine a racing fan boarding the bullet train in paris, to cruise all the way to Nice Ville, grabbing a quick bus to Monaco, to witness the Monaco Grand Prix! you can't really take a bullet train all the way to Monaco, but if you could!! this song. i posted a demo of this when i first recorded it, this is the final version, released as a single, or part of a 3-song 'trilogy'. if you'd like a copy, you can get it here: https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/bullet-train-to-monaco
  13. that's real nice of you to say, lynn, thanks!
  14. ACTUALLY, i just saw a lot of knee jerk reactionism. i think waves figured out they phucked up. they changed their ways, and so i've got no worries, and i doubt i'll ever need to buy another plug again, i've got everything i need now.
  15. i've been using waves plug ins for over 10 years now, and have never had a single issue. just sayin'.
  16. by the way, this mix, is just for the video... the album mix will have all that front stuff chopped off, and just about 10 seconds of buildup before it kicks in. i just had to set the mood for the abduction. the synths are the ufo coming in... the guitar noises are background space noises, and the scratchy samples are the aliens beaming me up. then once i get inside, the music starts.
  17. thanks free! sound quality, yea, that's the goal, as long as it doesn't get in the way of the creative. i tried to make the arrangement more 'open', so the sounds had room to breathe. the guitar part was a lot of fun to come up with... something that snapped, and grooved, at the same time.
  18. think the next race is next weekend?
  19. I don't think it sounds country enough to pull off a cowboy thing Its be easy enough to add a faux steel guitar part. Instant country! Heh
  20. hi kevin!! yea, forming a song in the shape of a well known song, is walking a fine line, i think. i'm glad that the 'dna' does show thru tho... the intro, you know, i had to make it kinda sci-fi, to kick the song off in the right frame of mind... some of that was my playing a soft synth with a controller, and some of it was samples, and a lot of it was guitar noises with echo! LOL thanks for listening and commenting
  21. hey mighty! thanks so much it might go with a F1 tv spot.... ! alas, they'll never hear it.
  22. i'm still refining this one, for an upcoming album of songs patterned after classic 70's rock tunes... i've taken the original arrangements, basic drum grooves and original tempos, of some of my favorite classic 70's rock tunes, and used that as the 'starting point' of a collection of songs i'm working on. it's a big experiment for me. this song, for example, is patterned after paul mccartney's WINGS song, "Junior's Farm". more than half of a 10 song future album, will have this treatment. these tunes will be vocal heavy, featuring harmonies and unison singing over guitar stuff. tho, the hardest part of writing this one, was coming up with modern sounding original rhythm guitar tracks, and not sounding like "juniors farm". LOL
  23. dig this smooth slow groove there IS some low end mud somewhere, that could be cleaned up a bit if you are going to keep working it.. just depends on the playback system, i guess, if you put a spectrum meter on your bass track and find that one freq that sticks out most, you could put an active dynamic eq on it and probably solve that issue quick. i'd like to the vox hotter in the first verse, just to get hooked in quicker. dig the sustained guitar/synth parts in the backgrounds. cool tune. good work!
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