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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. the plexi tones, by the way, are from a Strymon Iridium
  2. Thank you jack! Thanks, The guitars on this are tele and strat with humbuckers thru Marshall plexi and mesa boogie mkiib head into a avatar 1x12 with celestion heritage speaker The trick is the Barber Direct Drive Super Sport pedal driving the amps, and tightening of the low end
  3. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/headin-for-the-weeds *Headin for the Weeds - my anti war rant. the whole 'war' section in the middle, was a blast to come up with. i just wanted cacaphony, and even tho i tried to impart some angst, it still comes off fairly groovy and proper, exactly opposite of what i was going for! hehe, so i just went with it. this was written about 5 years into the Iraq war. another sony ACID drum track. the drum groove was written for this song, but i liked it so much, i have used it in a more recent song as well, one of my "formula One trilogy" songs, called "Silverstone".
  4. howdy old joad! yep, i like that tele! it's made out of Catalpa, it's super lightweight, feels great to play, very resonant.
  5. hi wookiee! this song was inspired by a friend who, as the title says, was waiting to shine. just needed the right breaks, right circumstances, right planet alignments, etc... his was an older riff i had, that instead of the maj 7th thing, it was a minor diminished chord. i still like that riff, and might right another song around the original riff....
  6. thank you tom! appreciate it
  7. thank you daryl! i appreciate that
  8. hi rik! thank you for listening and commenting... yes, the swagger was quite intentional on this one! it's a fun little riff to play
  9. Freddy, Yea, that tele strat combo really pairs well. Thanks for listening
  10. Hey Terry! Loved 10cc, don't hear that name dropped often... Harmonies are always the fun part
  11. covering ozzy, is one thing. covering DIO, is a step up! great effort here, you can hear the sabbath fandom coming thru loud and clear.
  12. i tend to agree on this, the drums could come up a bit and still sit well in the mix. i like the dark tone, but if you decided to eq them a bit brighter, maybe the level is fine. as it is eq'd, i'd bring them up. that's all i'd change. it's all good.
  13. excellent tune! i like the voice, reminds me a bit of ty tabor from kings x nice dry capture. sounds like it was recorded in a closed coat closet. how did you mic this vocal track? i like the darker tone of the drums for this mix... the bass is still the loudest element, but i kinda like it that way. it's carrying the rhythm. great guitar tones, all around a great effort. good tune.
  14. bats brew


    REMINDS ME of floyd just a bit.. and some of the changes sound like something that would fit right into a sci fi sound track. wonderful tones.
  15. bats brew

    Midnight Show

    nice groove! love that swampy vibe effect on the guitar. well done!
  16. used my Catalpa tele build with the fralins, for all the rhythms on this one... used my USACG strat build with lawrence pickups for all the solo work.
  17. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/waiting-to-shine from the new bats brew album
  18. ha! you mean, getting older... yea, i don't have the range i used to have on the tenor end, that's for sure. i guess as i continue to downtune guitars, my voice will follow! LOL, thanks for listening, glad you like this stuff.
  19. well thanks jack! i had to work hard to get the backing tracks to 'hit' a little...
  20. i think i need a grunge pedal! that totally does the trick, eh? it's not exactly fuzz, but it is... like if you dialed a fuzz in with a parametric EQ nice groove there joad! just throw a vocal on top, and you've got a finished 70's style arrangement with the grunge tones!
  21. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/speak-to-me Speak to Me: this is a remake of a demo i did back in 1999 with a buddy of mine, i met on the roland VS Planet website, last seen in florida. i took him my original demo, and said 'do whatever, 'carte blanc', the entire backing track, sans guitars and vocals, he created on top of my demo, using Nuendo and a host of samplers and virtual instruments, and it rocked! he sent me a MP3 of what he had, and that was all i ever got! still liking the tracks, i just decided to aggressively process the 256 kbps mp3 file i had, and that's what i used for the backing tracks. i converted it to 24 bit (with TONS of audio losses) and tweaked it quite a bit! it gives it an almost 'lo-fi' feel, that actually works. the shoegazer track of the album. njoy!
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