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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. thanks kevin! the intro was fun.... i didn't want it too long, but it had to be long enough to elicit the right vibe before diving into the abduction~~~!! LOL the wah, i wasn't planning on doing a wah part, but as i hit 'record' and walked to the pedalboard, i blindly stepped on the budda wah, and just starting going. that was an off the cuff, in the moment solo, i was planning to over write, but kept it.
  2. for folks that don't dig the videos... https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/space-farmer
  3. hey jack! yea, some of those sounds were cool nasa sounds, but most were sounds i created using soft synths and a lot of tweaking. kinda gives it the old sci-fi vibe!
  4. hey, i'm all open for offers!! heheh
  5. hey kev! yea, that opening was fun. spent a bunch of time just demoing sounds to use... of course, there are samples mixed in as well, some sounds i got from NASA! thanks
  6. bats brew

    "Space Farmer"

    removed as punishment
  7. still selling. there's a lesson in there somewhere! ?
  8. thanks so much jim! that whole guitar sound thing, was real fun to craft.
  9. howdy ho noynekker! anthemic, yes, that was always the goal, to make the arrangment sort of soar... working with (what was new at the time) the strymon modeler, just opened up so many new tones to me, that it was easy to just take off with it... i also had just added a new digital delay, the Boss DD-200, and the combination of those two things there, are all you hear, really. everything printed in real time. made it easy to mix. i pushed the electrics with a pedalboard, but the tones are basically all direct. no amps used on the album.
  10. hi andy! yep, the guitars all done using a Strymon Iridium direct... and the Taylor 414.
  11. hi john b, thank you for listening and commenting
  12. thanks bapu, glad you dig this one.
  13. thank you nigel. this wishbone ash thing.... heheh. i really gotta download a few tunes, and listen more often.... i had an album way back when, but they were never on the radar as an influence, so i find it intriguing.
  14. i worked on this some more. more low end. gives it a slightly different feel.
  15. "Spring Morning" https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/spring-morning
  16. i play electric bass. when i'm recording it, i typically split two inputs, and use two pedals for DI line level captures: Sansamp Bass DI Strymon Iridium with the sansamp, i'm dialing in a very deep clean bass tone (the basis of the sansamp is the venerable Ampeg svt amplifier) with the Iridium, i'm using a marshall superlead amp paired with a ampeg 4x10 IR, and the marshall is set for an aggressive lead tone, eq'd for midrange and high end bite. then, i mix those two tracks together to a common mono bass sub buss, and blend the lows to the highs based on the song and arrangment. this gives me pretty in your face bass tracks. if the sansamp has too many low, i just use a HPF and find the sweet spot. i'll take anywhere from 150hz up to 300 hz out wherever i have buildups. i'll compress and/or limit the bass sub buss to get the levels consistent, if they aren't already. i can post clips to demonstrate if interested.
  17. bats brew


    yea, those little speakers are not bad, but they mostly all sound kind of thin... really any 'computer' speaker, if i made the vox sound good on those, they'd be too loud. i hate recordings where the vox just sits on top of everything, but that's just me. i like a certain level of blend... a lot of the classic rock tunes i like, the vox is almost buried... but i kind of like that. hate modern pop mixes. well, hate's a heavy word.. i mean hate hate hate. LOL
  18. bats brew


    alright mark!! you and jack c.... you know, i played with vocal levels a lot, i think where they are is just right. you listen on cans? or speakers? in the cans, it's really floating in the middle, and is very clear, i guess i favor can mixing because it seems most people listen on ear buds these days. but yea, it's just a subjective decision, to make the listener draw in deeper to the music, to hear the vocals. they are part of the music, really, as by design. i appreciate your comments, and thanks for listening
  19. ha! nice T! getting the album, extends the rockability of the user. heheh
  20. i have the diamond bundle. plus a bunch of one offs i've bought on sale, over the years. ***** the WUP! LOL i don't even bother with it. i have a list of favorites now, the list is not very long, but those particular tools get a lot of work.... like the F6.
  21. bats brew


    thanks nigel! this one was inspired by true events!! heheh
  22. i think the eventide split eq is the smartest plug to be written in a long time. that said, i love my Waves F6 dynamic EQ i bought for $29. boom, done.
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