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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. i like the feel of the bass/drums treatment..with the parallel, you might could bring both up just a bit, because they are so well controlled. the quadra parts, almost at time, have a mellotron kind of vibe, in that the note itself seems to barely waiver...? is that my mind playing trick on me? they sound good.
  2. bats brew

    Major Z

    nice and funky! dig the guitar fills... drums are smooth and well tamed. this would totally work with a vocal treatment, without changing a thing instrumentally, you'd have to find a good jazz style singer and just cut em loose on it, if you wanted to discover another version. i like kurt s's suggestion. that would lift it one more level.
  3. nice tight recording! the snare sound, is pretty typical of this genre, i see no issues with it at all. i think the band is too tight, to be referred to as a punk band, i'd classify this as pop rock with punk tude. heheh
  4. 'neon blues' https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/neon-blues
  5. i continue working on it, and update the uploaded file with every betterment. i do listen to others stuff, and i respond when i have something to add or suggest.
  6. and thus it became even heavier on the page...
  7. i'd just get this instead: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SansAmpPSA2--tech-21-sansamp-psa-2.0-programmable-instrument-pre-amp-pedal?mrkgadid=1000000&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=0&mrkgcat=guitars&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=92700046938601600&lid=92700046938601600&ds_s_kwgid=58700005283398317&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007215323&dsproductgroupid=369400827347&product_id=SansAmpPSA2&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=g&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9029766&creative=332063179851&targetid=aud-377243944773:pla-369400827347&campaignid=1708733954&awsearchcpc=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy7_Sg-K-9gIViSitBh2M6AWZEAQYASABEgKCDfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  8. sansamp has always punched above it's classification. joe can use anything in the world.
  9. IMHO, this is the best version of when the levee breaks:
  10. nope. only as good as someone else listening to exactly the same speakers in a similar room, will hear.
  11. woops, didn't happen. like i said....
  12. Gaateway is the best. http://www.gatewaymastering.com/
  13. thought we were talking about the Sweet song! heheh i love the vibe of this, it's very relaxed but not loose. good vocal blends, a nice smooth mix. nice job!
  14. this sounds wonderful.... but i think, the issue with pure improv, is that most people want to hear 'structure', and unless you're writing background music for some film, it tends to just wander... love the way this sounds, my only suggestion is to write a 'standard' song format, using the best parts of the improv, and repeating them as in verse and chorus and bridge, not because you should, but because you can.
  15. i like the blend of the pauls, one with the emgs', don't know about the other, but they complement well. good solid rock mix. nice vocal delivery
  16. yep, it's very reminiscent of dr john's style... i like the harmonica, but i think a guitar solo would be stronger, jazz sound, with some nice bends.
  17. ty did a LOT to make that sound. you wont find it in a preset. part of his tone, maybe a large part, was his using the fender elite strat, that had built-in active electronics that consist of TBX treble expander and MBX midrange booster circuits featuring a preamp that provides up to 12dB of gain. he'd max out those boosts. if you do not START your chain with something like this, you'll never get there. it's the combo of those mid boosts, with the boosts available in the L5, that makes that tone happen. here's the amp setup: Lab Series L5 head (channel 2, Lo input, Bright: off, Volume: 9, Bass: 6, Frequency: 3.2kHz, Midrange: +2.5, Treble: 8.5, Multifilter: 6, Reverb: 1, Compressor: off, Master Volume: 5.5) [*Lab Series controls are marked from 1 to 9, so in these examples 1 is the same as a normal 0 setting and 9 would normally be 10; the midrange is cut/boost from -4 to +4], Crown MT600 power amp, two Peavey 4x12 cabinets with Celestion G12K-85 speakers
  18. i bump them because people miss them. they sit a while, and slide right down the list, and no one even sees them. i don't review often, but i do review. when i hear something that really excites me, i'll respond. now, if you want to bump yours, go ahead, i will not complain.
  19. alright tom! appreciate the comments... yea, the rough stage, man, i actually did 15 versions of this song, experimenting with multiple guitar tracks, stereo tracks, different kits, different mix techniques... i used it as my 'laboratory' to try out stuff i hadn't done before. all different, just trying to figure out how to get to where i wanted to be. my guitar tones, i used the absolutely lowest gain i could get away with for the rhythms, and THAT was the magic. i had to really work to get those parts to pop....
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