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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. This is a new instrumental rock song, the First of a 3-song trilogy, inspired by Formula One racing... imagine boarding the bullet train in paris, to cruise all the way to Nice Ville, grabbing a quick bus to Monaco, to witness the Monaco Grand Prix! you can't really take a bullet train all the way to Monaco, but if you could!! this song. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/bullet-train-to-monaco
  2. yea, it's that "test on monitors" that makes my point. ultimately, the monitors are the decider.
  3. FWIW, in the article i read of scheps discussing headphone mixing, he did mention that for his ears, he can only mix on MD7506s and cannot mix on anything else and make it work. any good headphone with a decent range, you can train your ears to understand what you're hearing, versus how it will translate. but we're talking about scheps, not guys on a BBS mixing at home.
  4. when you can mix as good as Scheps, i say go for it. if you are a beginner mixer, forget it.
  5. I'm sorry. I just don't think that's true. Please offer some links to professional mixers and masterers that say they primarily use headphones. I cannot find any myself.
  6. always monitors. i only use the cans for tracking, checking mixes for tiny stuff. you'll never get a mix that fully translates properly thru headphones.
  7. thanks michael! i used my little ibanez mikkro short scale for that one. it sounds fatter than my full scale active bass! LOL, seems counterintuitive to me.... and it IS 4/4! i was just making a joke about the loss of an hour with the time change... ?
  8. that's ok if it's 'white bread'.... LOL, there was only one little richard! in that case, this cover is for the rest of us, great job!
  9. hi whoisp! yea, nice and funky! i was hoping it was going to be more laid back than it is.... LOL
  10. thanks for listening to this one, nigel! it was a fun one to track.
  11. thanks rik! yea, bass is the spotlight here.. i play thumb/slap style all the time, but i had to write a song that it fit in...
  12. The time changed.... Now the song is in 3/4 time
  13. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/poppin-tight all done with a strymon iridium
  14. hi larry! you know, running direct into the Iridium, and using basic amp models and typical IR's, and straight humbucker tones on both guitars, it just seemed easy to get what i wanted. the drums, yea, i'll tweak em a little, but they basically are holding everything together pretty nicely. once i decide on a lyric, i'll probably follow the electric lead solo a bit, and reduce that part a good bit, filling the rest with simple harmonies. i mean, really, this is probably one of the most simple songs i've ever written, and it started on piano. i could just get rid of ALL the guitars!!! whaahaahaahaaahahahahaha er, nope. not going to do that. LOL
  15. hi nigel! thanks so much for listening. the tones, came from these guys: that's a 1984 Carvin (played the lead on this one, set in the middle position) and a 1977 Ibanez Artist 2618 (all the rhythm track was done with this one. this recording has 5 tracks. 1 key, 1 rhythm, 1 solo, 1 bass, 1 drum. all done direct thru the Strymon Iridium. and yes, eventually i'll write lyrics for this, and record another version of it... seems i'm on a writing track now, where i do a instrumental version first, to get an idea of what i'm doing melody wise... then later, write a proper lyric and get rid of most of the instrumental melody, revise it as needed. i'll put out the instrumental version first, then do the lyric version and release it on an album. at this point, i'm thinking i need to diverge the project into two different 'bands', keeping 'bats brew' as the rockier instrumental versions, and something new to do the vocal heavy versions. haven't decided on a name yet...
  16. thanks for commenting dream art! thanks, i'm gonna finish this one up this week.
  17. Thanks Rik! Lead louder and lead louder? Hm, I don't know, ill try it and see
  18. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/blues-seven just getting started with this one, i'm curious to know how it translates. it looks like it's missing some mids, but sounds nice to me as is.
  19. https://www.eventideaudio.com/plug-ins/spliteq/ this is the one.
  20. GLAD YOU DIG IT OLD JOAD! it was hella fun to record it.
  21. howdy ho Rik! thanks so much for checking this one out, i kind of feel like it's special for me, because it came out so easy, as it was all fresh in my head when i recorded it. it's like the images in my head just became immediate sonics, and that doesn't happen all the time!! and yes, learn guitar. you start now, who knows how long til you are really good. i think it took van halen all of 4 years to get almost as good as he got, technique wise.
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