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Everything posted by treesha

  1. Hi Larry, thank you for listening and your very positive feedback! I think I am learning to make choices as I go along that will contribute to a better mix in the end. I appreciate your descriptions of what I did and your impressions because they inform me about myself which is enlightening! Bowie/Eno part of my past, saw both in Phillie, funny how the past emerges in the present. Working on one with lyrics now, hope I can do as well! Thank you very much
  2. I would use melodyne to try to align the tracks, you don’t mention how long the piece is but it could get quite tedious if its long.
  3. treesha

    Prairie trail

    Greetings from Arizona where this fits right in! very nice well done
  4. treesha

    Coming Arrival

    I like it! As for the mix, I get that you were struggling with the vocals to sit better. The times when the guitar was brought down, the vocals were more present. Guitar being my favorite instrument, love when its strong like this but maybe turn it down some? Other things I might try, panning the guitar away from the center to both sides and keep vocals in center, less fx on vocals or another vocal track with less vocals behind it, eq out some of the overlapping frequencies between guitar and vocals. Good work and good luck with any corrections !
  5. Hi Jack, Thank you for listening and your comment. I'm glad to know you enjoy hearing about tools and techniques, I do too when others post details about making their songs. I never thought about the concept of the effort I put into making music, interesting reflection there for me, yes there is effort. My thinking about it is it's fun, learn something new, experiment and express something about life or my life but it is very central to me as a person so I always go to it. And it is fulfilling and inspiring for sure. I appreciate your kind words and good wishes, thank you !
  6. Hi OutrageProductions, Thanks for listening and your feedback. Thats quite a mashup! Its always interesting to get feedback and always unexpected. I do like all those so they are in my head and taste somewhere! Thanks again
  7. Overboard with gear? Some would say heresy!
  8. Thank you for listening and your nice comment!
  9. treesha

    Talkin Bout

    Hi Jack, your music is always so original. I always have to put on headphones to make sure I get the lyrics, got most of them in this song. NY born and bred here, I know what you mean about NJ. Cape May is probably still nice? PA was becoming terrible too so I moved out west. One of my songs I sing about this sweet world becoming like a garbage dump, so yep.
  10. As someone who only ever made one patch its interesting to me that you make all your own and you have a lot of equipment to choose from ! I enjoyed the song and the drum was groovy. I kept watching all the lights, it would be fun to see it in the almost dark.
  11. treesha

    Mr. Sandman

    Had to check this out, my uncle used to play the original version on the accordion ha. Really enjoyed where you took this. As for the mix, to me the vocals got a bit lower when the full music came in. And overall the sounds are dark tones total opposite of the old version, which is interesting and expressive. Nice job.
  12. Enjoyed the basicness and quirkiness of your vocals and the unexpected things here and there. I like the raw sparseness. I’ve never tried to make an anime animated video but think you did very well for a first attempt.
  13. I wanted to try an idea to make a song that the chord progression got shorter and shorter over the course of the song and see how that could play with moods and tension, and this is what I made. Took way too long in the hottest summer ever in Arizona with ac noisily blasting day and night and other unpleasantness going on. It started with a riff from AAS Fear and has sounds from Vital, FM8 and quite a few Kontakt instruments – ethereal earth, marble, ambient axe witchpig, atom hub cryptar, deep conjuring II, klang cloudharm, and for October some fun Xperiments theramin. I used MT Power Drums I believe in the end cause I switched a few times, and SI bass. Had fun with sound particles panning and searching through some of my obscure free kontakt instruments, thanks deals forum! Thanks for listening feedback comments always welcome
  14. Ps I also noticed that certain features/modules would be ok but others cause an immediate problem. Low balance control in my ozone the worst. I did some of the computer tweaking in various optimizing posts on the forum and that helped what i have work a little better too.
  15. I have had to stop upgrading any of my izotope plugins because my computer is getting too old (?) to handle them so I get glitches and dropouts. I have read on here Izotope products can be heavy to use. I have closed the gui if I am having an issue and sometimes that helps.
  16. I keep a list of plugins in an office document with its name and brand because sometimes i want to use one but cant recall the brand to find it in my vst list. So then i use find and search the name in the document and then can find the brand in my vst list in cakewalk that i have listed by manufacturers. Then i keep a second document organized by topics like reverb and list my reverbs with a phrase describing it like - plate. I use certain brands enough i dont need these but for other seldom used ones it is handy. Also fun to be reminded of one I don’t think of. And a quick look keeps me from getting something I already have.
  17. Ive had it happen that a midi note wont sound in a particular Kontakt instrument because the instrument does not play in that midi octave, like the midi note is too high or too low for that instrument.
  18. On youtube, if you turn on the subtitles they are in Spanish of course, but then click on the gear you can select to translate them from Spanish to english or other language. Some of the translations and the cow are amusing but then I am easily amused.
  19. Not sure I feel like learning this but I would consider using it on myself to see what thats like. My voice is very different with getting older and pollen allergies and I often struggle with it. I have recordings of my younger years I could use. Kinda curious about singing with myself.
  20. Sorry you have been struggling with stuff. I have life interruptions too. One thing I like to do to get something going again is play. Just forget producing something and just play around with an instrument or vst or fx on something. Arps are playful. So my suggestion is to play! Hope you feel better soon.
  21. Thanks Glenn, no tempo changes in this one but I am glad to be learning about how to do this if needed sometime
  22. Thanks for all the replies, information and suggestions. An interesting discussion! I was reading about program called Satellite by mixedinkey for different daw collaborations posted on the forum that google brought up, i think its in the freeware large thread. I expect we will keep it simple and he will just send stems I will set up in cakewalk as before. Since its a basic bare bones project it should be fine. Thanks to all!
  23. We collaborated on 2 or 3 of his songs going back a few years ago and when we were discussing this one he reminded me it was difficult before and i vaguely remember that but not exactly what the issues were. His creativity is good and over time he sends me his songs and i tell him what i hear in his mix to improve. This one the mix is so very bad so I offered to mix it. He was and is better now but still not very daw experienced and has a disability so maybe just the unfamiliar steps on his end were difficult for him. I think he had been using cakewalk for all the others but moved to reaper so this one is created in reaper that i know nothing about. So I just wanted to get ideas for the best easiest way to get his reaper work into my cakewalk. Thanks for the reply! ps. In this case his project file in reaper is likely very simple no bells and whistles to need to recreate on my end
  24. Hi, A friend who works in reaper would like me to do a mix of his song so is there any way that his project file can open in cakewalk? In the past he has sent a wav file for each of his tracks which worked ok in the end but had some challenges, just wondering if there is an easier way? Thanks for any suggestions for ways to do this
  25. My melodyne processed files go to c/user/ treesha/documents/celemony/separation And yes empty it from time to time. Not sure if they go somewhere else too. For me nothing is ever in the project file in the melodyne/ transfers folder. I think way back when clips etc had to be played to get transferred into melodyne they went in the project folder.
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