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Everything posted by treesha

  1. Yes this is how I learned to always render before closing a file!
  2. Hi Glenn, just curious what other products you know cache renderings? Ty
  3. I don’t quite get how some of us get files in the separations folder and some dont. My computer is offline when Im working in cakewalk. I render asap and before I close a project. I learned early on if you close a file with melodyne active, reopening the file or the work previously done may be wonky so I haven’t done that in years. I don’t cloud anything ever music or other stuff. I have plenty of room in the separations folder, in my example above it was empty. Another of life’s mysteries I guess!
  4. https://dnyuz.com/2024/01/13/their-songs-were-stolen-by-phantom-artists-they-couldnt-get-them-back/ googled it and found the story at this link for free
  5. I was puzzled by the comments that if you render the melodyne it does not generate a separation file in that folder because I am in the habit of rendering my work and rarely if ever would close a project with a melodyne open in process and always get files in my separations folder. So I just did an experiment with a one track project and empty separations folder. I edited an audio clip with melodyne, rendered it, closed the project, and a file of it showed up in my separations folder. So it was rendered and the project closed and that separation showed up. Maybe there is a setting somewhere that @John Vere and @Glenn Stanton have setup that I havent? Thanks for any info
  6. Do you have to enter the credit card number etc and after that during checkout then enter the free code? Or do you opt for the trial version then somehow enter the free code? Thanks
  7. Hi Charles, not a dumb question because the folder can get large. On windows, mine is - c/users/(name)/documents/celemony/separations. I hadn't emptied it in a while and its 1.17 gb!
  8. Congratulations on making some progress on your condition. I hope it continues to improve as you work at it. Its very nice that you help your talented friend realize some of his potential too !
  9. I think there would be some similarity. I think of ducking as an intermittent, as needed change and the unmasking as more frequency aimed across the track. Anyways thats how I have used each, but never did together.
  10. Hi Dazzla, I think this could be a very quirky piece with some more work on the mix. The HH as Wookiee says is overpowering and is gone at times also. I would start with working out the rhythm elements like the hh and whatever drums/bass are used. Maybe less HH hits and not so prominent. Then I would add the chordy stuff so they mix nicely, then I would put the vocals in. Lastly the accent stuff. As the song is now, I get what you are going for and like it, it just needs some changes. The vocals are good in form and attitude, but very dark and sound kinda far away from the song body. The song overall as it is now does not sound clear, its kinda muddy and the parts do not seem gelled together. I do enjoy it and encourage you to go further with it. Good luck and keep learning !
  11. Enjoyed it very much, good song, the vocals got a little lost here and there for me but sound great. A few consonant sounds I would melodyne lower. Love the guitar but the opening guitar sustains sounds a little extra distorted/dirty and I like how the guitars sound everywhere else and don’t think I heard that tone again anywhere else. 2:31+ some distracting sounds not sure what. Anyways, another good one and mentions of a few things I noticed.
  12. treesha


    Really great song done very well, the lyrics are very loving and special too!
  13. treesha

    My Love Patricia

    Mostly lovely, had to look with Patricia being part of my name, a bit of a mood change towards the end, but still lovely.
  14. Really mesmerizing. The music and the photographs are wonderful, especially together !
  15. I went to listen to the first version again but it was gone, so I can't compare, but this mix sounds good and is clean so I think you got the song where you wanted it to go. Small critique, and not my genre at all, but I think the vocals are a little too low, I would raise them just a bit so they are say equal to the little riffs in presence. But its well done as is, enjoy your new plugins ! ps I cant stand perfume so I would run away too! ha
  16. treesha


    Very well done. Rich instrumentation and playing. Nice changes. The mix sounds clean and good to me. interesting video too.
  17. treesha

    Billy Ran Off

    Really well done. The mix sounds clean and good. I especially enjoy the guitar playing and the backing vocals when they come in.
  18. treesha


    Spunky. Nice melodies. Relaxing middle part. The mix sounds clear to me, good job.
  19. Not sure if I listened to a remix version or not, anyways, the low end is really great, and yes some other sounds would add to the song. X1 is a long way from the current version, enjoy!
  20. Interesting. Good song. Enjoy all the guitar playing and tones. The mix sounds good. I especially enjoyed the short part about 2:40 would like to hear more of that. Would be good video music.
  21. Interesting how you made the percussion. Im with you liking an instrumental in between vocal songs ! I enjoyed this and would describe it as smooth. Now and then when some string parts came in, they were not smooth and to me kinda stood out in the rest of the smoothness. If I was working on this I would probably lower them a tiny bit in volume and eq some of the very highs off. It does offer contrast which is valuable, just commenting with my reaction. Otherwise, smooth and relaxing and easy listening!
  22. Very beautiful and sad, and sadly yes very relevant. Sounds great!
  23. treesha

    Come Away with Me

    Very nice. You do have the vocals intimate and sounding good. I think I spend a good amount of time doing as you describe, with many tracks that need to be slimmed down and my ears get tired too, and searching thru pad sounds etc. In the end, what you wound up putting together sounds good together, the mix is good and its clean, good work. Its a sweet song that someone you love would enjoy receiving.
  24. This is one of those songs I see on our song forum that is so extremely professional and well done to the point that it should be a big "commercial" hit ! I like the video very much too. I like that it shows the process of the birth of a song with a pad and pen, acoustic guitar and inspiration, goes to the studio with the band and then the stage performance. Wishing you much success!
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