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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. I wasn't trying to give "Garbage answers". Some older VSTs might cause issues with Cakewalk. I was hoping to see the name of the VST to verify if this was indeed one of those plug ins. Ive never seen anyone Blur out a VST plug in error because they didn't want to spread a negative impression of a software manufacture, most people are more concerned with solving their problems. No worries though, I wont reply again. I typically come to this forum for one reason. To help people with their problems. but if those people cant give me details to their problems, it's a waste of time for both us. I would hate to trouble shoot this problem with you for 2 days and have your issue be a dated VST plug in. just trying to keep it real. Best wishes
  2. Melodyne shows Audio data on a spectrum. EQ essentials works in a very similar way. To a degree, but im waiting for the "flawless separation button" . Then I can tear apart all those old Aerosmith tunes I've been dying to isolate. Here is how extraction is done in Melodyne. It is very RAW and tedious but can still be achieved.
  3. The videos I've seen on DeMix have been slightly easy mixes stripped apart. It probably works similar to Melodyne where at times.. It analyzes well and the algorithm used does the job but still hit or miss. That price tag though, wow. Seems they might be taking advantage of a small group of people who want to strip mixes for stems.
  4. Its not odd at all, especially in large projects to have each individual track below 0db. In most instances where I have up to 6 guitar tracks (30 tracks total) most faders on Guitar tracks are set approx. -20db. If not, the sum eventually adds up and overloads the master bus (Set at 0db).
  5. Im not sure if its related but there was also an issue with Melodyne (and drum replacer) clips where if you moved the NowTime while the transport was rolling, Melodyne would fall out of synch.
  6. I have always had my projects start at 1:0:2 because of this. but I only notice it with audio projects. midi only projects I don't notice any glitches at all. I haven't started a project in years at 1:0:1 so I wouldn't even know if this issue still exists.
  7. That Laptop was known for its heating dissipation issues. Im surprised there wasn't a class action lawsuit against HP. They came out in late 2010 at the height of the laptop craze. I had one similar to yours the over heating was so bad it would cause a graphics card failure and the screen would go black. The graphics card was placed in a horrible place in these early designs. It would get so hot, it would actually melt the solder joints.
  8. Very nice of Bandlab and Synchro Arts to team up on this give away. Thanks
  9. I have "Mix Control" software with my Focusrite (Scarlett 18I8). Do you have any sort of Mix control with the 212 that could be "Blending" Cakewalk and direct monitoring together ? You only have "Input Echo" engaged for the Microphone track itself ? And no Buses, Going straight to the Master Bus ? Check your routing.
  10. - Is there a direct monitor knob on your Focusrite ? it sounds as if you are hearing the delay compensation from direct monitor and real time. - Try wiggling the headphone jack.
  11. It could be set that way in a Lens or a screenset. Do you use Lenses or screensets ? ?
  12. chuckebaby

    ACT not working

    That Graphics card is a little older ? If its installing the MS driver and not the AMD one (not supported by Windows 10) then it may not be compatible with Open GL among other things.
  13. chuckebaby

    ACT not working

    Could possibly be a Cakewalk problem, but it looks more to me like a graphics issue (the way the buttons are overlaying each other and the white screen). What kind of graphics card are you using ? While that pop up ACT screen doesn't use high res graphics or anything, it just appears like a graphic malfunction.
  14. Sonar and anything else you have purchased is all still available in your online Cakewalk Account.
  15. It might be also be a plug in.
  16. Have you tried Re-saving this mix scene after (1) + (2) and then applying the new altered Mix Scene ? Your kind of on a boat in the middle of the ocean on this one. Sonar will never be updated but Bandlab will and its Sonar only better.
  17. did you check the Mix scene settings to see if Track Automation was Checked/Unchecked ? Track automation.All automation envelopes that live in tracks, including track parameters and plug-in parameters.
  18. I would also do the same. Good advise. But before any of that though, I would list my OS. Im using a Focusrite 18I8 first gen and have no issues here. But im using Windows 8.1. - I would also take note of the problem project and all of its plug ins. - Start a brand new project, Add in only tracks with no plug ins, test. - Add one plug in at a time, test.
  19. I have "Insert Tempo" in my Custom module. so it takes 1 click to open the Tap Tempo (Tap tempo is in the insert tempo window).
  20. The Asterisk appears when a project becomes dirty. Dirty Project- Changes are made that have not been saved. I find a few things can cause a project to do this. The main one being a plug in that has some sort of modulation (Delay, Chorus). A midi synth with some form of auto arpeggiator, Something within the plug in that cycles. The other is automation. For some reason I have found automation (during simple playback of a file) can at times turn the project dirty.
  21. My eyes have gotten worse with age. I can totally see where your coming from. That BassDrive plug in does have some nice fonts. What really impresses me is its light blue/off white background, the black fonts stand right out. It doesn't look aesthetically beautiful, which is what most plug in developers pride themselves on now a days (a realistic looking GUI). But in my opinion, what ever gets the job done.
  22. @pwalpwal Is this similar to the default UI which you speak of ? Good times using this Limiter...Good times
  23. I did not know this. TBH, now I feel a little embarrassed because I don't know of any plug ins that don't supply a GUI.
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