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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. Are you referring to the Input echo button or the record button itself ? and are you using "Comping" mode to record multiple takes per track ?
  2. Thread merged with previous thread. Please do not start new threads with the same question + title. Simply bump your old one. It makes it too confusing for yourself and others to keep up on which topic to respond to.
  3. Its a great mixer really. Touts some good specs (Sampling Frequency: Max 192 kHz, Bit Depth: 24-bit) But its really just a live stereo mixer functioning through USB-2. Its great for sub mixing but not practical when you want multi track output to multi tracks. Routing is key. Routing ? In more detail, You might be able to change the outputs in Cakewalk to go through a monitor mix, versus the master mix, thus avoiding the blending effect your seeing now.
  4. Your too kind Ed. To be honest.. Im really rough around the edges and socially difficult Anyway, this might help too. Its a you tube video (Setting up Session drummer and playing with it in Reaper)
  5. Yea, you know the learning curve with any new daw is a tough pill to swallow @TedPiano. I have nothing against Reaper or any other DAW. Hope it gets sorted for you with CbB. Bandlab support will sort out your account by resetting your password, to fix your log in issue. I can totally understand where your coming from. It sucks when you want to lay down some ideas but instead become invested in trivial problems. Just wish I had some magic answers to get you rolling again with Cakewalk.
  6. The DLL required for scan by Reaper is in the Cakewalk VST files- C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins\Session Drummer 3 If its not there for some reason, you might have to do a custom install with some of those install files you have in your downloads folder . I can walk you through that if you want, but first, see if it is in the location mentioned above.
  7. Cakewalk isn't/has never been made by Sony. You sure the "beeping" your hearing is not the metronome ?
  8. This is going to be tough to do Ted if you cant get into your Bandlab account. I would sort that out first and put the Dim Pro issue and everything else on hold. This might help https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Introduction.30.html From that link: - In order to install Cakewalk, you must log in to your Windows system as a user who has administrative privileges. Once installed, the program can also be used by users who do not have administrative privileges. - If system monitoring software, such as anti-virus programs are installed on your computer, you must close them until you have finished installing Cakewalk. You must also remember to close applications that are not shown in the Windows taskbar. Ted, This is important... Remember to turn all shields off until installs are complete. Especially behavioral shields. If you want to do a Clean install read here https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab Just take precautions. Don't delete presets, project templates, exc.
  9. I think everyone has behaved themselves accordingly, however the risks of arguments are becoming elevated. This thread is locked.
  10. This might help http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3584169 I believe Scook might have made a newer version for the resource page (I could be wrong about that) but he's the man to ask about this.
  11. +1 to that. This was a feature Cakewalk gifted to its user base because multiple users (more like 100's) Asked for it. that's one thing ive noticed about Cakewalk as of late, They are listening to their user base more now than ever before. they always did take user input into consideration but now it appears they are giving the users every thing they want. That is not something you see by every developer of software now a day.
  12. I believe the max allowed projects to see in SS is 16. So if you cant scroll down to see more than 8 it does seem odd. Can you grab the slider (Right hand side) and use it instead of mouse wheel ?
  13. Split Repeatedly Splits selected clips at regular intervals, beginning at a specified time, with a specified duration. For example, you could split a long clip into 4-bar clips starting at measure 5. Use the Split clips dialog (right click on the clip).
  14. Just remembered where I heard something similar to this... I was using ASIO4ALL and there was some conflict happening. This was years ago though.
  15. Ya that's not really normal is it. I have never heard this myself. What soundcard are you using ? Midi devices ?
  16. I use a Focusrite 18I8. It has 4 mic pres combo jacks with phantom power and it also has 4 line in jacks (what you want for your Mackie 12VLZ. It also has 2 headphone jacks. I bought mine for 350 new. the second Gens are 4 bills.
  17. Try to open the project in safe mode. Note: Safe mode is activated when you open a file while the SHIFT key is pressed. If there is no projects to open and you are starting cakewalk for the first time and this is happening.. Make sure your Windows is up to date with all updates.
  18. you can pick up a used Focusrite Scarlett 212 for under 100 bucks from guitar center. I don't really like shopping their but their used gear is typically always fairly priced. Agreed with others though, if you want something good to last a while pay the money. If your looking for something to get you by until you can get a better one, than under 100 bucks is the way to go.
  19. It appears Motu digital performer takes some tweaking as well not really a one shot thing).
  20. Example, I have a song that fluctuates in tempo through out the whole song. I listen to this song and tap out a click sample on my keyboard. I use Fit to improv on the click sample track. Done. Tempo is mapped out. But because im not perfect, I may want to go back and move some of those sample clicks, to line up better with the parts of the fluctuating tempo. Its easily done manually in PRV.
  21. I've never used digital performer but it sounds like one extra step in Cakewalk. Because you CAN also listen to the midi/audio files while recording your click track. Then simply use Fit to Improv and your done. The one step process is trivial to me, because you will always need to go back and fine tune a recorded tempo click track/map that you have produced from a live recording unless you are awesome and mistake free at doing your parts in one take.
  22. Very similar https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X2&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.39.html Fit Improvisation SONAR lets you record music from a MIDI controller without requiring that you use a fixed tempo. In fact, if you record without using a metronome, you are very likely to end up with a recording that does not fit onto a fixed tempo grid. The Process > Fit Improvisation command lets you take a recording and create a tempo map (with measure and beat boundaries) that fits what you played. Your performance is not changed in any way, even though the note start times and durations are adjusted to fit the new tempo map. This is important if you later want to use any of SONAR’s editing features that depend on a proper tempo map for best results. To use this command, you must record a reference track containing a single clip that matches your original track or tracks but has only a single note on each beat boundary. You should make sure that the reference track has one event for every single beat, with no extra beats or missing beats. The first beat of the reference track should be at 1:01:000. You can use any editing command to adjust the reference track. If you want, you can use other types of events as markers on the reference track, such as a sustain pedal. Remember, however, that MIDI sustain pedals generate one event when the pedal is pressed and another when it is released. So if you want to use the sustain pedal for the reference track, keep this in mind. Click down, up, down, up, for one, two, three, four. Remember that the better the quality of your reference track, the better job the Fit Improvisation command can do. You want each of your reference track events to be as close as possible to the beat of the music. Note that some keyboards transmit aftertouch events when you record your reference track. These extra events will prevent Process > Fit Improvisation from working properly. Therefore, you should delete these events before using this command, or filter them out when recording the reference track (using Edit > Preferences > MIDI - Playback and Recording).
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