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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. chuckebaby

    Command Center?

    ya not much more I can add to Mr. Mdiemers post except validate it. Download and save all your installers and an off line authorization. Im not one of those people who like arm twisting others into updating but..There is really no reason not to update to Bandlab (unless you are using Windows 7 32bit). I was a bit cautious at first about what the new Bandlab held for our future but I decided to jump on the train early and there haven't been any problems.
  2. I totally understand and support what your trying to do here Ed. Hopefully its a cookies thing or something so you can continue like it was at the Cakewalk forums.
  3. Take it for what it is but in the community guide lines under spam/prohibited services... You should refrain from engaging in such conduct: ""Creating multiple accounts with the intention of inflating the popularity of other profiles"" Sound about right
  4. Jesse resolved this (for me anyway) yesterday. PM is working great. Very pleased with the new forum. Its been difficult saying goodbye to that old forum. I got rather used it over the years. But I must say, im very pleased with this new updated version. They've done a great job.
  5. Try opening the project in safe mode. (Note: Safe mode is activated when you open a file while the SHIFT key is pressed.)This will narrow down if its a VST/VST-I plug in causing your slow load times. There's only a few other things that can cause slow load times (Audio interface slow connecting/failing hardware device/a corrupt or missing C++ Library) I would problem solve it by starting with Safe mode.
  6. We weren't able to do searches of the old forums to begin with
  7. Im having an issue with Inbox messages. I cant send anyone a message, I only receive this message ""Your inbox is full. You must delete some messages before you can send any more."" (I have 1 inbox message). This is if I hover over someone's avatar and click "Message" or if I click on their profile then select "Message".
  8. Im getting an "Inbox is full" message when trying to send a message. Anyone else ?
  9. This is one thing that has really made the Cakewalk forums Great. When you research a problem.. you don't have to scroll down to try and find the answers. The person who starts the thread would simply edit their post a day later with their results. Updating as more info is learned.
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