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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Good work on your song! I tried your project file and it does not crash on my system,
  2. Hi. I tried to listen but dark cinematic art is not my thing so I cant really comment. So my apologies there.
  3. Hi John. I have listened to your song quite a few times now and it is quite complex. Also quite sad... reckon the song comes from experience? Lots of great little bits in there with horns and other instruments. Did you pan your voice slightly to the left (10 o'clock) to the left and not center. It through me a little as I thought my speakers where out??
  4. Well you certainly have got the feeling in those fingers. Well done.
  5. I am sorry you had remove your song before I got to comment on it. I for one understood your message and that music is a form of personal expression not matter what the subject. I was not offended in anyway and could relate to your song and your message.
  6. @MUDGEL Well I hope you get to use your equipment soon mate. Not good feeling a bit below the weather. All the best!
  7. I must say that is really good song with great lyrics. Mix sounds good with good separation on my Focals. Vocals are very good too. When you sing "invisible"... "mystery" in the sort of falsetto. I would raise the volume a touch on those phrases in some parts if the song was mine. ?
  8. garybrun


    Welcome to the forum. A little more bass and grit on the vocal would be a thought.
  9. The bass is an improvement... gonna join SPAK with some 4/4 ?
  10. Thank you for listening.
  11. Thanks for replying. I dont visit this side of the forum much... just posted when I found something that I thought could be helpful. That vocal plugin is quite good.
  12. I came across this the other day and its very good and free. If you are anything like me and have loads of samples (I'm over 20tb) it works well. When working in video and trying to find the right sound... this is really good. https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/adsr-sample-manager/ While I was there I picked up a good and fast plugin for $29 NoiseAsh Vocal Finalizer https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/vocal-finalizer/ Great for that quick knock up while you are searching for ideas. I am not in any way associated with this company... just wanted to share what I had found. All the best to you all as always. Gary
  13. 44.1 was all because of CD. it would be good to have now a standard of 48 that’s also matches video projects?
  14. Hi Lynn. Thanks for listening. The bass was a Fender going through my fridge and EBS Fafner II amp. ?
  15. Hi Wookie. I listened and it was tangled for sure ?
  16. garybrun

    Wonderful World

    Recorded live and mixed by myself a couple of years ago. I didn't want to do to much editing to it as I wanted to show the real soul of the track. This was recorded in a small barn in Norway where we have various bands every year and specially invited guest for the private party. I have learned a lot doing these gigs over the last five years as we have all sorts of different styles of artists and experimental music. The guy has an amazing voice.
  17. Ahhh,,,, shucks. Thanks Lynn.
  18. Thank you for listening to the track.
  19. Like the Bitter song and thank you for sharing the files. Great chance to try out new things. Will get back to you soon.. ?
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