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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Hi folks. Thought some might find these helpful. Good list of reference tracks. Good list of reference tracks
  2. garybrun

    I'm Retired

    I liked it Bjørn. Loved the old lay back feel.
  3. Thanks for the comments Paul. Appreciated. I have showed them to the composer and singer of the song,,, he's really happy about the feedback on here.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to listen Douglas
  5. HI and thanks for taking the time to listen. Its not a sad song... its praising our village and how it looks and activities that go on within it.
  6. HI and thanks for taking the time to listen. Appreciated. Gary
  7. What a beautiful song!! I am listening through my Focal monitors and it sounds great. I agree with emeraldsoul about backing down the vocals a little bit.
  8. garybrun


    Out of the three I would say two. Nr three sounds to much like brass. If you want to send me the midi files for the cello I dont mind sending you a wave file back as I have quite a few expensive samples.
  9. Thanks for listening Bob, Kråkstad... is the village where I live. The song is about our village and its in our hearts. This is really my first completed mix of a song. Been spending most of my time learning and tuning ears etc over the years. I have been a cakewalk user since the very beginning and still use the VS-700 system with the BandLab version. To be honest I've been an entertainer for many years and Im loosing some of my hearing (55yrs old) especially in the human speech range. Too much working with loud music over the years but reference tracks help to counteract for that. Mostly work with live sound, video editing and do quite a few Voice Over projects. As Im retired now I plan to spend more time with my first love.. MUSIC! ?
  10. Thanks for listening Bjørn. I agree about the fiddle... would love to have one in there too. Not sure I have ever mixed one though... 200 - 16k if its the same as a violin??
  11. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my mix. Appreciated.
  12. Thanks for taking the time to listen. Appreciated. Gary
  13. Hi Tom. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes it was a choice of what to do with the bass. Wasntt sure if I got it the correct volume. What I do is add a VU meter to the master buss... solo the kick until it his 80 and then solo the kick and bass... bring up the bass until it hits zero and then build of that. I didnt pan the B3... its just recorded in Stereo. It could be that one side of the mix was masking out and made it feel like it was being panned around It wouldnt make sence if I translated as it wont rhyme and also some words do go. I agree with the snare comment. I replaced it with Trigger... but couldn't find what I wanted. I always find in my case getting the correct sound on a snare difficult. I will go back and see what Melodyne can do. Do you think the vocals where a tad too loud? Once again thanks for the comments they are really appreciated. All the best as always, Gary
  14. First mix of a local band here in Kråkstad. Norway. and my first to BandLab Would value comments though some might not understand what they are singing about!
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