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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Thank you. We had discussed redoing it.
  2. Hey... no problem. i didn’t mean to criticize your mixing abilities... I thought it was a good track.
  3. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Bob. I must honestly say I am so pleased with this project. The guys have done an amazing job and I have learned so much through the journey of it.
  4. @Jesse Screed Don’t fall into the trap of deleting you songs because no one has answered. I myself have posted a lot of projects up a lot recently and took up a lot of bandwidth. I decided to go through a lot of posts and also see which had few comments on as I felt that I had attributed to the lack of comments. So put your track back up and let’s give it a listen???
  5. It sure is a great place to learn and that I am thankful for. Thanks for the encouragement regarding my voice too.
  6. Thank you Kenny. I just sang and made the video. I fell in love with this song when I first heard a version of it and was asked to sing it. The orchestration and words make it. I was crying when I sang it. Couldn't help it. Tried many times to get it together... just didn't work after numerous takes. Then I thought... maybe thats the touching part of the song... real emotion. Once again thanks for the comments... but hats off to the other guys.. Grem and Simeon. Looking forward to working on some more projects together. Before home studios... can you imagine how much a production like this would have cost. Now we just share project files... send them via the internet.. done! Crazy,
  7. Thanks Tom. All three of us are pleased with the final result. I am learning a lot from you guys on here.
  8. I have kept every version of Sonar since day 1 ?
  9. WOW Spirit Dance is a fantastic mix
  10. Hi Jessie. Missed the post... but the track in now not available
  11. Thanks for posting Martins. I have the book and have used the site for a number of years. Great place for honing your craft.
  12. Sorry for the delay. I always like to listen to the music first without watching the video. The watch and listen again. This is not my genre but can appreciate the amount of work that has gone into making it.
  13. Hi Kakku. Sorry I missed this posting. Have been quite busy and have started to go through posts. You style always makes me think of the 80-90's which was my childhood ? I think your mix is a little harsh om my speakers. With synthesised music there are so many frequencies and I would find it very difficult to mix. @Wookie is good on sysths... maybe he can chime in. All the best.
  14. garybrun

    Space Roots

    Could not open the Spotify track. The song for me is really not my genre but I gave it a listen It needs more meat on the bone... and is a little repetitive. All the best with your music. Gary
  15. I can hear you have fixed the bass... very nice track.
  16. Sorry I missed this one. Very nice playing. Also love the bass. Good quality on the recording... never thought a Behringer could sound that good to be honest They have had a bad rap over the years.
  17. Nice mix. I like the quality on the vocal... Did you glitch the vocal near the end?
  18. Somehow you have a Willie Nelson feel to your vocal. nice track.
  19. Looking forward to listening to the finished project.
  20. Very nice track and vocal. Clear mix. I would like to hear a little more energy and variation in the drum track. God is watching you ?
  21. Lovely track. I,m always in awe of people who have control over their instruments. Fantastic tone on the guitar.
  22. Thanks for all the comments on the song. Here is the video and re-mastered.
  23. Thanks for all the tips. Track is now remastered and updated here and have just finished creating the video for it. Thanks once again for taking time to listen.
  24. garybrun


    well done. I remember the original cartoon series very well and the song we reworded as kids (40+ years ago) Spider man, Spider man, Lost his knickers in the Isle of Man. Can he swim can he heck, Tried again and broke his neck. there goes... there goes spider man! ?
  25. garybrun


    Very nice. Great groove- great separation. A lot of frequencies in there ! ?
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