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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Yes.. very 1960's and the tone quality on the voice made I think. Liked it a lot. Lots of stuff going on on this mix and I can hear everything.
  2. HI Freddy I like your style a lot there is something about that olde retro sounds. I would like to have your vocals more up front On my monitors it sounds a little muddy..
  3. Very nice. Like it. I think the thing that could be improved upon are the drum tracks as they sound mechanised. I myself love this style of music. Well done.
  4. The difficult thing for me here (not being big headed) but I sing a little like Elvis.. but that is my natural voice. So its quite hard not to come across as you are impersonating.. so on this song I tried to tone it down. I have been an entertainer for about 30 years,, so have been listening to many styles of music so its hard to put a finger on the artists. I love Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, Sinatra and Garth Brooks and some of Elvis stuff... mostly ballads. Michael Bubble is also admired.
  5. garybrun

    City Girls

    So there is no misunderstanding here... I am not that talented. I have took backing tracks and rebuilt them and added my own vocal.
  6. HI folks. So there is no misunderstanding here in my latest posts... I have not played these songs... I have adapted backing tracks. Vocals is my main instrument. I have posted quite a few now up on SoundCloud and they are trending... I think country is my new thing. I enclose my vocal chain...
  7. Jessie... you didn’t come across as being rude at all mate. All is good here... Hats of to you too!!!!
  8. HI Jesse. Thank you for you post... and well written too! I do not take offence and understand what you are trying to say! Let me clarify I few things and I hope people understand what I am trying to say. It may sound a little personal,,, but I am open and honest and straight talking guy. I am 55 years old and ever since I was little I was told I would never amount to anything and I wouldnt be even paid in washers! I was brought up in children s homes , foster homes, sexually abused etc etc.. you have heard the horror stories before may times. I wont go into to details more... but I am willing to share via PM if any wants to know. But... all those bad things that happened have made me into the man I am to day. Have been a foster parent to 6 kids and kicked the devil up the ***** by turning the experiences around for good and many other stuff... but thats by the by. Im not big headed.... but have learned to love myself... the man I am and was made to be. Unless you can love yourself... its hard to love others. Yes.. I can sing.. but the good looking bit I am not sure about! lol All my skills on the recording side of thing are not so special and everything I have now I have learnt here mostly (think Ive been over 10 years now). I just find it weird and exciting... that I suddenly decide to do a country cover version and people liked it. Thats a big kick to be honest. I shared it on here... to try and encourage people... not that I want to be big headed or anything.. Its like sharing with your family. So if I do come across as being stuck up my own *****... if you could meet me in person you would know I'm not like that. Not a good writer or an educated man.. but am educated in lives "hard school" and proud of it. As I said I will go through a lot of the songs that people have posted up and make comments. Thanks again everyone and you can say anything to me as it takes a lot to get me offended. Garyxxx
  9. 4 songs in the Soundcloud Country Top 5 ? Will go through later and look at everyones songs... sorry for the delay.
  10. garybrun

    City Girls

    Well Im getting quite productive.... will soon have an album ? This is a Scandinavian dance band/country song.
  11. I love this Gospel Song.
  12. garybrun

    Your Man

    Wow thats a fantastic compliment... thank you.
  13. Sure are a one off! I mean that in a good way. I have never heard anything like your style before and I must admit that I do struggle with it sometimes as I cant get my head around it. The lyrics are real good.
  14. Thanks Steve.. Ill give it a try.. When I'm out doing gigs people want me to try and sound like Elvis.
  15. garybrun

    Your Man

    Thanks pal. I enjoyed doing that song... came very easy on first take.
  16. The mix is a lot more punchier than the 1st one. You changed guitar panning on the second version. (intro) You have a really powerful voice.
  17. Thanks Grem. I dont how else to sing it... as I have never heard anyone else but Elvis sing this song so it very influenced by that. To be honest this more of my natural voice and people do think I am impersonating... some of the Elvis intuation is there but I cant help it as its how you remember the song. Louis Armstrong used to be one of my party pieces as I used to have a trad jass band and play trumpet. How to do Louis Armstrong with out being Louis Armstrong LOL. Will post up later...
  18. Its quite hard not to sound like Elvis as these are the only memories I have of the song... so it does influence your vocal style even when you dont want it too. Ill try and do another version... but to be honest I am sure it will creep back in. ?
  19. garybrun

    Your Man

    Thank you for your comments and taking the time to listen. https://impactsoundworks.com/product/pedal-steel/ is one of the best pedal steel virtual instruments I find. You can download midi tracks for free on the net... there are some quite good ones out there and you just allocate the midi channel to the virtual instrument of your choice. I also use Band In A Box as a song writing tool... this is a clever piece of software with real players.. you just put your guitar cords in and off it goes.
  20. having fun with me old pipes ?
  21. Thanks for listening Douglas. Duplicate main vocal. Used Slate Digital Reverb on track one On second track add stereo delay 9ms Left Channel 15ms Right Channel and then blend in with first vocal. (just two repeats)
  22. garybrun

    Your Man

    If anyone would like a particular backing track... shoot me a PM and Ill see if I have it. I literally have around about 80000 (15tb) of them.,, and I own them all.
  23. Thank you Michael. I'll redo it soon.
  24. I got a request regarding Elvis.. here is my try and will try another shortly.
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