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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. I would love to have ago on this one if you care to share the midi files. You have a cool voice which brings out something different to the track. ? Great arrangment...well done.
  2. A lot of though has gone into this arrangement. Well done. If some form of ambiance/live sound was added it would make it feel more live and I believe it would raise the composition even more. Thank you for sharing as I really enjoyed it. Gary
  3. I always listen to the track first and then watch the video on the next pass. Music I got 100% on first listen. Great and well done on the musical journey. The video I couldn't really understand how it fitted in with the track but I am sure there must be some reasoning.. but I didn't get it sorry!!!
  4. noynekker well done and great skills. I am listening on my Focal TRIO6 BE and the mix is wide and balanced. Mix translates well in mono too. Percussion is great.. (I always struggle with percussion levels myself) How did you get that marimba so wide? Vocal and backing very good. Very nice lead vocal... as someone else has said very "George Michael" ish. Thats a compliment. Great use of reverb and delay. We all paint very different pictures when it comes to mixing. The only thing I would do.. I personally think the bass could give a little more groove.. cant explain what I mean. Warmer and slight more sustain... little more in level?? When I added my sub.. which I hardly do.. it kicked butt ... so I change my comment above... more sub level! ? Thats what I was trying to get across......but this is only personal preference. I listened to the track five times now.. brilliant. Quality!! Listened to all of your other tracks on sound cloud... This is my favorite one.
  5. I have altiverb and ultraverb... if you would like to send the stems.. I could have a go
  6. garybrun

    Mondo Lynn

    Very nice instrumental and mix.
  7. garybrun

    This Love

    Nice song Rex and well sung. Guitar mix was very clear. I found the drums to be a little on the flat side. well done.
  8. I listened to this again this morning, Lots of ear candy. Great mixing skills and sounds fantastic on my Focal trios. In fact I turned it up and was jigging away in my room ?
  9. I liked this a lot. Beautiful and well arranged. If you have any lyrics I would love to have ago singing on this one. Well done... you should be proud of this one.
  10. garybrun

    Cool Water

    Very nice and well mixed. Excellent vocals and guitar playing. No critic from me for this one. Well done.
  11. garybrun

    This Is Your Life

    Nice track and well mixed on the vocals. Would like to hear more of the harmonies. In my head I believe this track could sound bigger. Great song and great demo. Well done.
  12. garybrun

    Tiny Squares

    I liked this... clever lyrics and has a lot of potential. I agree with the comment on LCR mix. Nice job. Gary
  13. Another Jesse special. R2D2 gets his pocket picked ?
  14. Thanks Andy for the listen. I always take all of the advice on board and I am very appreciative of it too. I have learnt so much here over the years.
  15. Thanks Daryl. How does it sound on the Soundcloud update at the bottom?
  16. HI Lynn. Thanks for taking the time to listen and for the extremely kind comments. If you look back on my work a few years ago the improvement has come with feedback from the good members of this forum, so those comments are high praise indeed. Most of my work has been in "live sound" so the crossover has not been that difficult. Once again thank you. For those who are just starting... there is a lot of information on here from good and talented people. Whom mean well and are willing to help you hone this amazing craft. I myself take all the criticism and suggestions I can take as too get better. I look forward to watching and hearing how we all develop. God Bless, Gary
  17. I have tried to implement your suggestion Tom. Thoughts please? http://www.garybrun.com/wedding/em_modified.wav If anybody would like to have ago here are the original tracks with nothing added. http://www.garybrun.com/wedding/tracks.zip I find piano really hard to mix.
  18. Thanks a lot Tom. Will look at it again and check compression and post another for you evaluation. I must say I really appreciate this site and learn a lot.
  19. Thank you for taking the time to listen.
  20. Thanks for that... I have de-essed both of the files the best I could.
  21. I am working on a recording off my daughter and son who played at a wedding. (proud dad) But I can not seem to get the de-ess correct without taking away from the vocal. Here are two versions... a little dryer mix. http://www.garybrun.com/wedding/dry.wav Http://www.garybrun.com/wedding/remember.wav more ambiance. Thanks in advance people. New mix with peoples suggestions. Gary
  22. Very nice. I can hear the snow falling... (I live in the land of snow) ? Would make a great backing track for a scene of a movie.
  23. Thanks guys for watching and listening. Appreciated.
  24. Very nice composition and beautiful images.
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