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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Liked this one... I agree with more bass and kick that will really drive it. Little bit of Human League vibe... one of the first albums I ever bought was "Dare" Well done.
  2. garybrun

    So Cold ..

    Hi Mark. Should be proud of that one pal. Really enjoyed it. Great recording/clean mix Sounds very nice on My Focal Trio6 BE
  3. Thank you Matthew I have installed it and will give it a try.
  4. HI Einstein. Nice arrangement. I would talk over what you are doing as people will usually move on when there is so much quite time. Dont be afraid to talk about what you are doing or think you voice over is nt good enough. If the content is there... people will listen and watch. If you are not confident in your voice-over abilities try adding text / subtitles. Once again ... well done. I always state this... but we all paint very different pictures... these are just my personal views and what I would have done and in no way is it meant to diminish the work you have done here. I am listening on Focal TRIO6 BE
  5. As a Christian myself... I got this one. I would suggest a little compression on the vocal as I cant always pick out what the lyrics are. I think its when you go into the lower octave. The guitars are quite powerful and maybe come down a little and the backing vocals out to the sides a little more would leave space for the main vocal. Once again ... well done. I always state this... but we all paint very different pictures... these are just my personal views and what I would have done and in no way is it meant to diminish the work you have done here. I am listening on Focal TRIO6 BE
  6. I was a member of my school brass band and played cornet, trumpet and tenor Horn. Where I come from in Cheshire England brass bands are a tradition.
  7. Very nice Larry. How would it sound with a barrel organ?? ?
  8. Very nice Jerry. Very emotive composition. Really nice to hear more classical works starting to appear on the songs forum.
  9. This a good song with good lyrics. Sounds a little boomy to me. Once again ... well done. I always state this... but we all paint very different pictures... these are just my personal views and what I would have done and in no way is it meant to diminish the work you have done here. I am listening on Focal TRIO6 BE
  10. Nice Allan... trying to work out whom your voice reminds me off. Little bit of the Stranglers I think.
  11. garybrun


    Yes.. the HH is alot better now and the groove is even better. I like your voice... very nice.
  12. Very nice composition and I see what you are trying to achieve and can imagine it with played with real instruments. well done on using the baisc tools that came with Cakewalk.
  13. Very nice and well thought out instruments. My appreciation is growing for classical music all the time. I like to convert it with samples... but can not write it. Its a completely different brain matter that is need to create these compositions... to me its like playing chess and seeing the end game in just a few moves. Well done.
  14. Thanks for the listen and comments. Very helpful and I agree too. When I did this I wasnt thinking of how an orchestra is traditionally panned... was going to do it my way (messing around with tradition I know) I just used marcato on these samples... to be honest I only new what legato meant, ? Its been a learning curve... and Im done with it now. Will try with the knowledge I have gained on another project later, Thanks Gary
  15. Hi John. I can not hear the vocals very well.
  16. It may sound a little weird what I say.... but is there a Beetles influence in there??
  17. You cant beat the song of nature!
  18. I agree more punch on the drums
  19. That is some really cool and funky music there. Great mixing too.
  20. garybrun


    That came across on my system very nicely. Once again ... well done. I always state this... but we all paint very different pictures... these are just my personal views and what I would have done and in no way is it meant to diminish the work you have done here. I am listening on Focal TRIO6 BE
  21. I liked this one a lot... Im not a rocker... so this is more style of my music. Well done. Loved the guitar work... brilliant.
  22. garybrun

    The Restitution

    I liked this track and it contained a sadness? Its sounds sharp on my speakers and I would have worked on the middle frequencies. Once again ... well done. I always state this... but we all paint very different pictures... these are just my personal views and what I would have done and in no way is it meant to diminish the work you have done here. I am listening on Focal TRIO6 BE
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