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Everything posted by craigb

  1. And over 94,200 posts to prove it!!! ?
  2. Heh, someone at my high school had a template that said "Disco!" He would paint it in white at the bottom of all the neighborhood stop signs! ?
  3. New pickups, $2.89! Getting them installed and working correctly, $250! ?
  4. In this old picture, check out the bowl of fruit above the monitors. Those were all shakers. We used to give them to my friends kids to play around with. LOL.
  5. Does it have a perpetual license though... ?
  6. Not sure what to make out of all this! ? I mean, you used to be in Canada, but you left... ?
  7. If you're not allowed to say all of that, then what's left? ?
  8. Aren't you the one that was looking for a couple of Behringer monitors in mint condition too? ?
  9. Not our fault that you can't play a guitar right! ? (See what I did there? ?)
  10. I see you and raise you this entire album. ? Lords of Acid - Lust
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