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Everything posted by craigb

  1. "I shaved my head today, oh boy!" ?
  2. Just played that album over the weekend! ?
  3. I played songs off that album often when I was a DJ.
  4. Try this then... 808 State - Joyrider
  5. Wait... What?? ? Here I am getting Nigel back on track and... now HE bollocks it up? Well, I tried!
  6. Here's a twist! And one of my favorite operas... Bizet - Carmen Suite
  7. Partly Elephantile, Not In Stature
  8. Fake news! Here's the REAL reason the dinosaurs went extinct! ?
  9. *Continues the deep digging...* Isao Tomita - Promenade / Ballet Of The Chicks In Their Shells
  10. The last time I went whale-watching, I was in downtown Portland...
  11. Well, my friend and his wife (pictured above) got divorced and he's now married to the girl I went to the party with! Go figure!
  12. Well, she certainly looked like a cute Asian female! ?
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