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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Not sure where you guys are finding those prices! ? Ken bought his AX8 for $650 and has the Blackstar up for $500! Oh, and the presets were all deleted and replaced, so he'll have to get those back if he wants 'em. The replacements are pretty dang good!
  2. Over 100 F here today, so yesterday was much better! I'd suggest making some "decorative" tops for your subs that just happen to make it impossible to put anything on! Perhaps something make from foam that you can cut (and paint?) that looks intentional, but without any remaining flat surface. ?
  3. Thanks! I'll deliver the tips to my roommate tomorrow! Any idea what that 5 Watt Blackstar tube head with two cabs is worth? My roommate is trying to sell it to help pay for the AX8. ?
  4. The, um, breadth? of Kenny's experiences never ceases to amaze! ?
  5. "Jumping Jack Flash, it's a ..." ? Psychedelic Furs - President Gas
  6. Didn't we already "cover" Song to the Siren in this thread? ?
  7. Had a friend who got to play bass briefly with the Band...
  8. My Buddy Walter tearing up a Hendrix tune!
  9. Concrete Blonde - Ghost Of A Texas Ladies Man
  10. One actually happened pretty close to where I live... A lady and her pet were killed. Must be an epidemic!
  11. Did he have a relative in Florida?
  12. This substance has caused more deaths throughout history than any other substance! And now it's in your drinking water!!! ?
  13. Was the driver arrested for not having a pilot's license??? ?
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