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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Let's just say that topic has an old history here and leave it at that!!! ? (Yes, that's a young Bapu in the picture along with Beagle. Credits/demerits are probably for Strummy. ?)
  2. Ironically, the more modern Engelbert, who is still alive at 87, stole the name from the composer who created the opera Hansel and Gretel (who died in 1921).
  3. That's just not fair! The guy who stole the clock got time off!!! ?
  4. I'm still on the old version...
  5. It's well known that when they let her sing on stage, her mike was always muted! ?
  6. I don't either, but it was probably something I gave a like to! ?
  7. I still think the best cover for Yoko would be two tons of sound-proofing material! ?
  8. It had me too! So I figured I should just get the confusion out of the way!
  9. Do you believe? Go ahead, try and debunk this video!
  10. My favorites are from Miss Monique (look her up!).
  11. I'm saving this for my next, um, journey? ?
  12. Basshunter - Welcome to the Rainbow
  13. Did someone give you the bird again Nigel??? ? ?
  14. Now, where have I heard that one before? ? Oh, yeah! ?
  15. I just want to know what you did to earn this retribution back in the day Steve! ?
  16. Couldn't help but laugh if you read their title the same way the word they changed is pronounced! Apparently, they don't like fish, eh? ? Love Walken in that Fat Boy Slim video too!
  17. *Notes that, without all those spiders, this would have read "Damn bugs everywhere!!!"* ?
  18. True. You have to download them from some website. But, prior to that, you need to save the banks they use if you want to keep what replaced them!
  19. No, not THAT one! He's still alive at 83, but another Tom Jones who was 95 and the lyricist for the musical "The Fantasticks." Lots of confusion going on about that today! But, when you share the same name, it's not unusual! ?
  20. I hear Bapu celebrated last night with a couple of adult beverages... Metamucil and Ensure! ? For those of you that don’t want Alexa listening in on your conversation they are making a male version….it doesn’t listen to anything. Now that I have lived through a plague, I totally understand why Italian renaissance paintings are full of fat people lying on couches. Three thousand and twenty-seven years from now, life will either be really good or really bad. It’s 5050. In Ancient Rome there were four types of poisons. Poisons I, II and III would all kill you but Poison IV would make you really itchy. Just learned that a dentist who rents a space on the main floor of our building got arrested for selling drugs. Shows how wrong you can be about people. I’ve been going to him for years. Never knew he was a dentist. What’s the difference between a kleptomaniac and a literalist? The literalist takes things literally. The kleptomaniac takes things, literally.
  21. Plus she knows how to use all those wonderful toys! ? I can't help but wonder how much time was spent designing her setup though! ?
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