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Everything posted by craigb

  1. So, is this on topic then? Blondie - Once More Into The Bleach (full album).
  2. Ram Jam - Black Betty (double points! ?)
  3. Yes! I mean, Unicorn blood and unobtainium are hard to get, ya? ?
  4. I recall some stories about how bands were onstage to play a song they wrote but, since they didn't have a name yet, they just got announced by the song name and it stuck.
  5. They come with the Kundalini Plugin Suite! ?
  6. Kind of like hitting the floor after you've had too much to drink, ya? ?
  7. That's all that came to mind immediately. What others do you know about?
  8. Pwalpwal's comment in the Song Association thread made me think this might be a fun topic! ? I'll start it off with a few including the one that we named our collab after (which I'm sure you've all heard a million times before, right? ?). https://www.nwdreamer.com/download/MushroomFarm.mp3 Here's the one that started the idea: Plus a few that came to mind immediately:
  9. Actually, I think this would make a good, separate thread! ? *Heads off to make it...*
  10. I'm the same! Actually, this simply means your energy levels are correct Bob! If you (or anyone) gets an actual boost out of drinking coffee then they have a deficiency somewhere. I literally just sent a PM with a link to a program designed to help with this issue to someone (since I paid for the program once upon a time, I'm not going to just post a link here! ?).
  11. *Pfft!* Ain't nobody have one of those!!! ?
  12. Did the Meatloaf get burnt too? ?
  13. craigb

    Waves Sale!

    I'm actually trying to distract myself with humor from thinking about the well over $5k I spent on Waves stuff back in the day... Including this (which sold NEW IN BOX on an eBay auction for... wait for it... the starting $300 bid! *Sigh...* ?). I still have the Gold box as well as the Diamond box (also never used!), but I can't use either of them any more... Yay. ?
  14. craigb

    Waves Sale!

    How much to get your knob wet? ? (Asking for a friend... ?)
  15. Actually, I think you're right! I had a nice text marathon with Jeff this morning after seeing that video to see how he's doing. He's still got my guitar waiting for me and we figured out how much I still need to pay him back to have her sent to me. Then, literally a few minutes after those texts, I got paid for some work I'm doing (barely enough to cover rent, but I'm going to see if there's enough to send him another "payment"). Although I've had to sell a lot of my remaining music stuff, I still have my Variax floorboard and computer connection hardware. As you heard in the demo, it does some pretty awesome sounding acoustic guitar sounds, so that and all the other tones would be the perfect companion to my Aqua Rocker (pictured in my avatar). We'll see!
  16. I had just added a Steve Miller Band song to the Song Association thread when I noticed this one on my feed... While it may be interesting on the surface, this is not only the Jeff Miller who made my custom guitars, THIS WAS ORIGINALLY A DEMO HE MADE FOR ME WHILE PLAYING MY FIRST CUSTOM GUITAR! Yes, the guitar in the video is my Raspberry Twist (which is currently back with him ever since I lost everything - he "bought it back" to help me and I've been slowly paying it back off ever since with the goal of eventually getting it back. Yes, it has passive pickups, but it also has Variax guts inside! Maybe I needed to see this for motivation...
  17. Magic > Magic words Steve Miller Band - Abracadabra
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