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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Keeps the traffic down that way! 😂
  2. Probably better that way! 🤣
  3. Forgetting kills something, but I don't remember what...
  4. Download and play this! 😁🌲 https://www.nwdreamer.com/download/Oscope_Christmas_Tree.mp3 <right-click><save-as>
  5. Birthdays beat the currently known alternative! Plus I hear those who have the most birthdays tend to live longer! 😁 Thanks Sheens!
  6. I just heard two he submitted to an online stream and they were really good!
  7. No, no... That's just the expression you get after you've been Rick Rolled! 😁
  8. I don't care what some of you think of his moderation approach, but there IS a real person under all that fur so please keep any negatives out of this thread! I was just informed that the Wookiee is currently hospitalized and having a triple heart bypass! Most have no idea of what he deals with in his "normal" life (and it's not for me to go into that), but I wanted all of you to be aware of his current situation so we can all send positive thoughts his way! Get better soon Wooks!
  9. Apparently, they are one of the CIA cut-out businesses, but one that believes in truth in advertising? 🤔
  10. I figure with the spicy guitars you can do along with your low, Goth voice it might be fun! Of course, it would be a lot better if you had a cute bassist like he did! 😁 Example:
  11. These come to mind...
  12. Have you ever done any Sisters of Mercy covers?
  13. It started off black and yet you still managed to darken it! Good job Rain! 😆
  14. Ha! Well, we were thinking the same. I guess you're just faster on the Submit button! (Hey, it's only 4:38 am here, so I'm still waking up!) 😆
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