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Everything posted by craigb

  1. A musician friend in Texas just sent me a picture of what his front yard looks like. It's the most snow ever in the Houston area apparently! And yet, we've got sun out here in the Pacific Northwest. Go figure!
  2. Heh, I still recall what their name means! It's the sound you get from a strong down pick on a guitar (Wang!) followed by a strong up pick (Chung!). Now there's some useless information for you, ya? πŸ˜†
  3. This is a thread I meant to post earlier... Since I used to have many musician friends down in Los Angeles, I wanted to make sure everyone there has survived the fires! I won't go into what I know about the fires themselves, but it pisses me off greatly just like Lahaina did! 🀬 For those of you in that area, check in and let us know you're alive! We'll be sending positive thoughts to you as well! πŸ™
  4. I may have to find a way to extract all of the songs posted here... I'd love to see that list! TONS of repeats, sure, but maybe a counter too? Hmm... I think I know how as well. Too bad we lost about 900 of pwalpwal's contributions though...
  5. Ok you miscreants! On your best behavior, the Wookiee is back! πŸ˜œπŸ˜†
  6. Here's the original. It's won a few music top whatever contests and, I must confess, I just love that synth sound! Personally, I think Rain's made it his own and rocked it up a bit! Me likey! 😊
  7. Or, as I like to say... @Amberwolf YOU ARE UNIQUE! (Just like everybody else! πŸ˜†)
  8. I was in a dart tournament in Las Vegas back in the 80's in February where it snowed (and stuck!). Seemed very weird since I had also been in one in late August where it was 129 F!
  9. Are you missing a sax Bob? πŸ˜†
  10. I'm sure several here would be willing to send their snow to you! 😁 (We haven't had any this season yet...)
  11. Didn't see that coming! 😜
  12. We need more signs like this! 😊
  13. Gee, I wonder what could be next? πŸ€” 😜
  14. A "line" of good choices there! 😁
  15. Agent Orange - Miserlou / Pipeline / Mr. Moto
  16. And Wooks is back to help with the FO part! 😁
  17. Unless it gets you kicked out of the forum! 🀣
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