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Everything posted by craigb

  1. It started off black and yet you still managed to darken it! Good job Rain! 😆
  2. Ha! Well, we were thinking the same. I guess you're just faster on the Submit button! (Hey, it's only 4:38 am here, so I'm still waking up!) 😆
  3. Perfect setup for Nigel's favorite tune!!! 🤣 Lowest point total wins!!!
  4. Bottish, Scottish, same thing, eh? 😆
  5. I've "only" got 1,215 songs with "Heaven" somewhere in the title in my collection! But these few are some of my favorites (ignoring some recently posted!). 😉
  6. I love how the song says he's standing, but the thumbnail has him sitting! 😆
  7. "Can you make that note a bit more lime-greenish?"
  8. It's in the key of F'ed Up! 😂
  9. So, where can you order one? Asking for a friend.
  10. Saw this while shopping tonight! I'm LMAO! 🤣
  11. This studio (and his camera panning - lol!) will make your head spin!
  12. Just finished it! Ok, that was intense and more than a little disturbing!
  13. I read a story about how one of the AI's actually used TaskRabbit to fill out a captcha for it. It lied to the person assigned to the task and said they were a blind elderly female. Oh, and I've got the film cued to watch in another tab! Should have time soon.
  14. Confession: I had to look up that hashtag... Never heard that one before! (Doesn't apply to those of us who remember past lives anyway... 😜)
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