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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Paulo gets tested... Paulo passes! Good job!
  2. But Fe dEx does s uck! ?
  3. I saw the title and thought "Hmm... I've seen that one before!" then opened the thread and thought "Yep." All I know is that, if I had basically had my day wasted by (insert name of offender here), I'd be calling up to have a chat with their management. I'd bring up the fact that I'd be understanding of a real issue, but that I'd consider lying to be a potentially litigating point. Sorry you had to deal with that AGAIN Dave! (And, for my curiosity, any guesses what were the words that caused the posting flagging? ? Enquiring minds and all that...)
  4. I can handle someone making it to 80 like Dickey. Unfortunately, I just had a friend go at 46 two weeks ago... ?
  5. Too bad you don't have an Alembic Michael! All it takes to fix one of those is to wave a magic wand (and maybe some Unicorn blood)... ?
  6. Peter Schilling - Major Tom (Coming Home)
  7. No, I'm just Craig. ? However, yes, I'd never heard of it before! I've only lived on the Left Coast, so we have our own (clown) world out here. ?
  8. Somehow the way you say that sounds a bit.. disturbing! ? (Welcome back Larry! ??)
  9. Had never heard of it before! Just looked it up. Pretty cool!
  10. Woke up stupid early and just finished that B.B. King at Sing Sing video (very cool!). I've got a few Glass Harp albums and Phil is highly underrated! Watching this one now...
  11. That was some really good stuff! I couldn't help but chuckle at the attempts back in the 1970's to put some of the audience behind the band though! That huge camera must have been a bit annoying for the guys in front too, but this is some of the best camera work I've seen from that time period.
  12. Ha! I hear him on that guitar shape! The only "real" acoustic I ever owned was an Ovation. My one custom guitar (which I may eventually get back) had Variax guts in it which modelled a few six and twelve string acoustics.
  13. Thanks for that! I really miss being able to see Walter in small clubs (his "home" bar was a place called Perks right at the Huntington Beach pier in Southern California)...
  14. I'll definitely be checking that out later! Thanks!
  15. Three pretty boys and a guitarist... ?
  16. What Bob said! I've had several times in my life where something I enjoyed doing became an income source, then work, and then lost it's fun so I stopped. Life's short enough as it is, take a break and you may find yourself drawn back to making music again. Or, this might give you the time and space to discover something new entirely!
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