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Everything posted by craigb

  1. "WTF is with those drums??!" ~ From a "real" drummer upon hearing my work-in-progress tune where I'd only been playing drums for two weeks. "Wow, you surprised me!" ~ Meant in a good way, so I chose to just leave it at that! ?
  2. They did. Then they got the heck out of this clown world.
  3. I never ignore any users. I like to shake my head and chuckle at abject stupidity on display. ?
  4. Strummy may only know a few jokes, but that was... -!
  5. Similar to being Rick rolled, I feel like I've been hit with a Billy club!
  6. Well, I thought of a way to do it faster than searching each page, but it's still going to be a LOT of effort! We'll see! Once I'm not working on two projects at once maybe...
  7. C'mon Keni! You know that not being cool hasn't stopped any of us from talking about whatever we want down here! ? Although I have OBS, I haven't used it in the manner you're trying yet. It's pretty easy to use though! I'd do the usual Google searches to see what you can find.
  8. Searched my collection and found 4,214 references to "Sun" and 2,215 for "Moon" so I had a few to choose from! ? Some day it would be cool to somehow extract all the songs from this thread, sort and remove duplicates, then go through all of those I haven't heard of before! ?
  9. (*Wonders if this is really a cover?* ?) My criticisms are below: ??
  10. Well, I hate to break this to you Budsk, but you didn't survive. This IS the next world! Explains a lot probably, ya? ? (Liked the little demo though! ??)
  11. That's it? I was expecting a lot more! I guess we could go back to the moon... ? Sun & Moon (Above & Beyond)
  12. And, from the discography I'm currently listening to... Keiko Matsui - Across The Sun
  13. Violent Femmes - Blister In The Sun
  14. And now, a couple for Strummy! ? Purple Helmets - Under The Sun
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