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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Yes. You're not allowed to say ****, ****, *******, ****, ***, ************, *****, **** or Worcestershire here. ?
  2. Probably closer to real beer than Bud Light or Coors Light though! ?
  3. Good job guys! Nice of you to pull Daryk back into the forum too. ? I can imagine the picture of the "band" that goes with this song having Ed wearing a t-shirt that says "More of ME in the mix!" ?
  4. C. The answer is always C.
  5. Ironically, I used to have documentation for that language! It's RPG (Report Program Generator). One of the IBM languages that slightly predates COBOL. The last time I had to do anything in it was way back in 1984! I think that line is retrieving data from a specific location and putting it into a variable (&PNAM).
  6. Two things I haven't used in over 20 years... A drill press and a bench press! ?
  7. I slept in my Beatles t-shirt and woke up on Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Ok, I didn't exactly sleep... ?
  8. I slept in my Chicago t-shirt and woke up but didn't know what time it is!
  9. Slept in my Clash t-shirt and woke up to London Calling. Slept in my Elvis t-shirt and woke up in the Heartbreak Hotel. Slept in my Beatles time travel t-shirt and woke up yesterday! ?
  10. Slept in my Aerosmith t-shirt and woke up to realize I should dream on. (So I went back to sleep! ?)
  11. Rules: Pick a band name or musician for the t-shirt, then describe what happened once you woke up! Format: Slept in a [band or musician] t-shirt and woke up [song, lyrics, comment, etc.!] Examples: Slept in my Duran Duran t-shirt and woke up hungry like the wolf. Slept in my Rolling Stones t-shirt and woke up with no satisfaction. Slept in my Stevie Wonder t-shirt and woke up when someone just called to say I love you. Slept in my Elton John t-shirt and woke up realizing I was still standing. Slept in my Metallica t-shirt and woke up, but nothing else matters. Slept in my Def Leppard t-shirt and woke up with love bites. So, whatcha got??? ?
  12. Needless to say, according to scientific principals, should the pick actually fall out, there's about a 100% chance it will fall directly into that guy's open mouth causing him to choke! ?
  13. That guy has a very unique sick and twisted mind. I'd love to have a beer with him sometime! ?
  14. A friend of mine has always had issues with a high level of acid in his hands that does a lot of damage on his guitars. Not sure what to do there except maybe a change in diet? Don't know...
  15. There's also the Caged system. I had a book and video on it once. Here's a YouBoob search for some examples (I haven't watched any so I can't recommend one over the other): Caged system explained
  16. If you ask an employee at a book store where the Self Help section is, doesn't that defeat the purpose? ?
  17. Kind of like thinking a Ford Pinto: ...was an upgrade to a Ford Bronco! ?
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