Love it! ?
You sure you didn't work for Harris Waste Management? There was a Dave who came down from your area that was a bit flipper for them (their office was near Airport Way in the Portland area). Same look too...
Can't wait until Display Port catches on more. Not only are it's capabilities better, but it has a slight locking mechanism that HDMI doesn't. My monitor can be rotated and I've had issues with the HDMI not staying connected well...
Heck, I think this thread has remained the most on-topic of any ever created here!
BTW - Where did its creator go? Haven't seen Notes on here for a couple of weeks!
Not that bands made much from sales in the good 'ol days either! (Mostly just the labels did.)
Without live gigs, most of the bands would have been broke! In fact, the Who didn't even make a profit until after Tommy came out (of course, some of that was probably due to Pete destroying his gear at every concert! LOL).
No replies from S.L.I.P., I bet he cashed out his Royalties and went on a world vacation... ?
(I wonder if he ever noticed that I posted one of his songs in the Song Association thread... ?)