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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Heh, Aja. "THE" standard for setting up live FOH's! ? As for the "fusion, jazz/rock side," I agree and, what's worse, I KNOW I have a song that sounds almost exactly the same, but haven't been able to recall who it is (or stumble on it)... YET!
  2. Now I'll up your Fever with a Porcupine! ?
  3. 'Tis why I wrote the word "Neverland" in my post! (If you scroll back up, you'll notice the words shown for Centerfold include "This ain't no never-never land.") ?
  4. *Arrghh!* This is killing me! There's a song that is soooo much like the one in the OP, but it's just eluding me for now... ?
  5. The one with Neverland in his backyard to get little boys to stop over.
  6. Well, since she's had the, um, extra appendage, quietly removed, I guess you could say she's all woman now. @1:13 - oops!
  7. Haha... I'm going to hunt it down eventually!
  8. Still not the one, but I'm having fun! LOL.
  9. *Sigh..* Still not exactly what I'm trying to find, but...
  10. I think Kurre was half-right. Glam sounds right, but the 80's, not the 70's. Here's my next offering...
  11. I know I've got closer matches, but I've got too many songs going through my head right now! I'll post more once I think of them. ?
  12. Try this - featuring Craig Goldy (who was briefly my guitar teacher, even more briefly a bandmate and who was Dio's godchild!).
  13. Does the fact that she used to be a hermaphrodite cool you off any? ?
  14. Q - "Do you wear briefs or boxers?" A - "Depends."
  15. Oh she definitely has a price (and we definitely can't afford it!). ?
  16. Well, that was tight, awkward and uncomfortable! ?
  17. Another double entendre! "Mac" for "Mac" and "Chain" for "Band." ?
  18. Even better! The brother who probably created Chicago Blues. ?
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