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Everything posted by craigb

  1. All of it? Oh, and you'll want at least four of these drives for RAID... (And, as long as we're going there, I still have a couple 8" floppies in storage that held 80k each! *Woot!* ? )
  2. That's easy! Just buy another guitar! ?
  3. C'mon Strummy! You KNOW I made that just for you! ?
  4. What's wrong with the "Official" term??? ?
  5. I got a Les Paul Custom for her. (Nice trade, eh? ?)
  6. Where was this question back when I needed it??! ?
  7. Possibly a repeat, but I'm sure it won't stop Wibbles from watching the dancing. ?
  8. No, I got illegally wiped out by the Central Bank during the so-called "Credit Crunch" of 2008-9 (and some really slimy stuff from a couple of banks). When I could finally afford to go bankrupt, I was forced to sell everything I had (you can only keep $300 worth of music gear - needless to say, several friends got killer deals). The FCB-1010 was just one of the casualties. *Sigh...* ?
  9. Upun further review, that'll have to do then! ?
  10. Makes me wonder how they advertised for the actress and what the audition must have been like...
  11. I had a wife once... But then her husband found out and made me give her back.
  12. Potential thoughts... He meant to say "thickness." He's a Flattard (one who believes the Earth is flat, which leads to their "fact" that gravity does not exist, it's all density). - or - "Luuuuke... It is your density!!!" ?
  13. People easily associate nuts using thesauruses.
  14. Gotta love those FCB 1010's! I know I liked mine.
  15. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
  16. Sounds like you have the wrong output selected. Right-click on the speaker icon (usually down at the far right of your screen) then select "Open Sound Settings". There should be a dropdown listbox for you to check to see if you're sending the audio to the correct device.
  17. Have a great day Ed! ? I promise I won't tell everyone that you're 67 now too. ?
  18. And that leads to... (Sorry if you can't Handel this! ?)
  19. Then, if you did, some idiot kid will stick his iPhone in front of your view trying to record the concert... (And that inevitably leads to all the Police paperwork you'll need to fill out explaining why you stole some kid's phone and spiked it into a cement wall...?)
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